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One little fix...... - Printable Version

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One little fix...... - coairlps - 18-08-2005

I have been doing weight and balance for a major airline for 12 years and the one little fix that need to be fixed is the fuel loading. The
fueling on an aircraft as follows.....Fill the wings, then go to the center tank for weight and balace purposes. That would make it more
realistic on the fuel burn for this add-on.

Re: One little fix...... - Er!k - 18-08-2005

It is always nice to see suggestions from experienced people Smile

Re: One little fix...... - SWAFO - 18-08-2005

Dan's already working on this. See the post that starts with [NEW FEATURE]

Re: One little fix...... - pagir - 18-08-2005

Welcome here, coairlps!!!

Your experience is most welcome!!!


Re: One little fix...... - pagir - 18-08-2005

...and read this thread!!!


Re: One little fix...... - Plane Nuts - 18-08-2005

Quick question. Are most aircraft wings first and then center tanks?

I ask because I have FSD's Aerostar, and the POH for it states to fill the center tank first, then any fuel needed beyond that goes into the
wings. On take-off and climb, you burn the center tank, at cruise altitude, you switch to the wing tanks, and then on descent and landing
you go back to the center tank, even if there's still fuel in the wings. Is the Aerostar just an exception to the normal rule?

Re: One little fix...... - SWAFO - 18-08-2005

Yes, most aircraft are wing first, then center tank. It all has to do with balance issues. Usually, we'll keep 1,000lbs or so in the center
tank (of a 737) so that the pumps/tubes, etc. don't dry up.