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It works!!!! - Printable Version

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It works!!!! - Iberiaorbit - 18-08-2005

Than you very much Pegase, Eazy and Dan. Without your asistance I would never done it. The first flight has been flown. Now I will leave
you alone for a while. Feel free to visit at http://www.airtnt.com you will be very welcome always.

Re: It works!!!! - pagir - 18-08-2005


I know it was hard work for you!

Great work at airtnt.com!

Too bad: My Spanish is... inexistant...


Re: It works!!!! - Iberiaorbit - 18-08-2005

All on due time, friend. We will need english speacker pilots so we will acomodate an english version for the web and the forum. And
French, German, and Japanish, hehe.

Re: It works!!!! - SWAFO - 18-08-2005

Glad you got everything working!