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Would someone send me a company?? - Printable Version

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Would someone send me a company?? - kalle.H - 17-08-2005

I have red the manual a lot of times now and i dont understand how to do!!!
if someone coud bee so kind and send me a company i will appreciate it verry mutch.

Re: Would someone send me a company?? - pagir - 17-08-2005

There's an old chinese saying:

Give a man a fish, he will eat one day.

Learn him how to fish, he will eat all his life. (Or something like this... Smile )

So to create a new compagny is really easy.

Open the FsPassengers menu (from the gray bar of FS2004)

Select the third option: "Create a company or a pilot"

Press the "Create a company" button within this screen and follow the directives...

You see? Easy.

I must say it's not a good idea to send you an "already made" company. You have to create your own.
