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Bug with atc sound - Printable Version

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Bug with atc sound - Cyron - 17-08-2005

recently I discovered a bug: When I use the sound only option of FSP (starting a flight with no parking brakes set), there are no atc
sounds with the communication anymore. I hear FSP, i hear atc talking to the AI-pilots but when I (for instance) ask for taxi clearance,
there is no answer from atc, neither text nor voice. The next what comes is just the comfirmation. This even keeps on when I stop FSP
and happens when I ask for landing clearance.

Re: Bug with atc sound - SWAFO - 17-08-2005

You need to make sure that your aircraft's electrical system is correctly powered. Starting with the parking brake off, it may not be.

Re: Bug with atc sound - timcook - 17-08-2005

I think it is a bug as exactly the same happened to me.


Re: Bug with atc sound - pagir - 17-08-2005

Strange this "bug" appears more than one month after release... I suggest you follow Brad's suggestion: the same thing happened to me
and that was the problem! Smile


Re: Bug with atc sound - Cyron - 17-08-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:
You need to make sure that your aircraft's electrical system is correctly powered. Starting with the parking brake off, it may not be.

Of course the avionics/electrical circuits are properly set and functioning. This was the first what I thought of before posting this problem
here. :-)

Edit: If the electrical system wouldn't operate there were no option to confirm the request but it is. It goes like this:
1. request take off permission
I press 1
The next thing what comes:
1. confirm take off permission

You see? Something very important is missing in between but only when I use FSP in sound only mode.

BTW: If the atc lines above differ from what you're used to see it's because I use the german Version of FS2004.

Post Edited ( 08-17-05 20:53 )

Re: Bug with atc sound - Cyron - 18-08-2005

Hello? Doubt

Re: Bug with atc sound - Cyron - 20-08-2005

When I stop FSP and reload the scenery via changing the time of day, atc works again as usual. This is another example that shows this
has nothing to do with wrong handling. Face it, THIS IS A BUG.

Re: Bug with atc sound - Cyron - 22-08-2005

No customer support?

Re: Bug with atc sound - AeroJim - 22-08-2005

Dan is a busy guy, right now just chill, it could be something else, but i have to agree with the other guys, this bug is a little late.

Re: Bug with atc sound - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Quote:Cyron wrote:
When I stop FSP and reload the scenery via changing the time of day, atc works again as usual. This is another example that shows this
has nothing to do with wrong handling. Face it, THIS IS A BUG.

I really don't like your attitude! You need to relax! I really don't think it's a bug, I simply think it's you doing something wrong! We have
quite a few customer support issues we're dealing with, and yours will eventually get it's turn.

As I mentioned, sometime you'll think the aircraft's electrical system is powered (i.e. everything will be turned on/working), however FS9
doesn't recognize it as being on. If I start a flight without the parking brake set, this ALWAYS happens to me.

This bug has NEVER been reported, so maybe it's something with your setup of FS. Perhaps you should remove everything and
reinstall... this solves most problems. The bug you are reporting is something VERY noticeable, and if it was a true bug other people
would have definetly reported it! Reinstall FS, and FSP... if you still have the problem, you're doing something wrong. Why not just start
with the parking brake on, and the electrical system shut down? This way, you can simply power it up yourself (not hard), then you know
it's turned on.

With your attitude, no one is going to help you. You've got to understand that FSP DOES NOT INTERACT with FS9 ATC AT ALL! There is
no possible way this bug could be caused by FSP. Perhaps you should contact Microsoft... since you have the German version of FS9, it
could be a problem with that particular release. I'm sure Microsoft would be more than happy to help you (they're really know for their
customer support... yeah, right! :lol).

The bottom line is that FSP doesn't touch anything that would cause this bug in the first place. It sounds like a case of your battery dying,
avionics not being powered, electricity not being supplied to the aircraft, or simply a buggy FS installation. It's not related to FSP. Sorry!

Re: Bug with atc sound - eazy - 23-08-2005

Trying to calm the emotions a little:
I never used the "sound only" option of FSP so far, but as I'm also using the german version of FS9 I gave it a try. Guess what? It's true:
No (audible) ATC clearance. That doesn't mean, Brad, that ATC ist not working due to lack of power, because you get the (verbose) options
to "1- Confirm Clearance" or "2- Repeat" as well as you can listen to ATIS and hear ATC clearing AI a/c. I tried this with the default
Cessna 182 and default 737, both running on engine power. After being cleared for IFR (which you can't hear, though) you get the next
option for taxi clearance (which you don't hear either). That means, everything is working as usual, you just don't hear the waves for
clearance request and confirm.

I don't think either that this is because FSP would be interacting with FS ATC in any way. I think it's just some sort of sound conflict. Would
be interesting to know if this only happens with the german release.

Hope this helped a bit to clear things up and maybe Dan will find a clue on what's causing this.

Re: Bug with atc sound - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Sounds like a problem with FS. Perhaps the German version has a few unknown issues. I've tried to replicate this issue in the US
version of FS9 with no luck. I really don't have a clue as to what's wrong, but really doubt it has anything to do with FSP.