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Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - Printable Version

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Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - Oliveira - 17-08-2005


I'm greatly enjoying FSP, I never liked Fs2004 as much as I do now. It's perfect.

But I need some help on two things.

First: when I check my exported flight logs in the VA page in this site, the cargo quantity always states "0 kg", even if I'm sure I loaded
cargo in the payload screen. Everything else is correct, number of passengers, etc. Only the cargo becomes "0". Am I doing something

Second; this one is hardly related to FSP but perhaps someone can help me. Everytime I try to use one of the Fokkers (70 or 100) from
project Fokker I can't make contact with ATC. The ATC window opens correctly but then it seems that the keys (1, 2 or 3) don't work. I
press them repeatedly but I can't even file a flightplan with ATC. It's weird and it only happens with these aircraft. Any idea?

Re: Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - SE-TMA - 17-08-2005

Wierd....I have PF 70 and 100 and ATC seem to work perfectly...Sure there is no failiure with electrical or something? Sure aviation systems are
switched on?

Re: Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - biddy - 17-08-2005

I had the same trouble at first after reading the PDF that came with the download this is what i found on the lower panel is the com
section this has to be turned on, also the APU or engines must be running.


Re: Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - Oliveira - 17-08-2005

Yes, I'm pretty sure everything's on. I open the ATC window, no problem. But when it comes to actually select one of the options by
pressing the corresponding keys, there's no response and I get stuck. Can't really see what might be the problem, but tonight I'm going
to try it again.

I downloaded a lot of planes after I got FSP, and the Project Fokkers were among them. I think I didn't try them WITHOUT Fsp turned on. I
will see if the problem repeats itself without FSP.

The "disappearing cargo", though, is a different mystery.

Re: Cargo disappearing + keys not working with Project Fokker planes - biddy - 17-08-2005

It seems that I was not the only one to hit the Avsim web site after i had downloaded FSP, the Foker was one of my picks aswell, the other
that I found better in the end and made more money was the IFDG A318 about the same money as the Foker.
As for the Foker I think by default the Com panel was always turned off well it always seemed to be on mine.

As you say the disapearing cargo sounds like the Bermuda Triangle to me. Smile
