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Error in Pilot Flight Log - Printable Version

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Error in Pilot Flight Log - toka-ito - 12-08-2005

"Pilots Flight Log"-> doubleclick flights to see details gives me a
unable to find the flight in the logfile. Flight ID doesnt match.
Background : the pilot was transfered from an other company that had fixed flight id's
the current company uses random flight id's

It seems i get the error with all the flights from the old company

Is there a way to fix that?

kind regards

Post Edited ( 08-12-05 20:02 )

Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - SWAFO - 12-08-2005

Is there any chance you had to reinstall FSP, and didn't copy over all of the files on your company/pilot?

Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - DanSteph - 12-08-2005

did you copied something/moved to database folder.. ?


Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - toka-ito - 13-08-2005

didnt reinstall just installed the update.

i just noticed that very few "old" flights can be viewed.

Thats the content of the "Database" folder

31725 120437184484.db
2820 121022207447.db
33707 FspDb.db
4851 FspFb.db
225 readme.txt

kind regards

Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - dagnon - 13-08-2005

I have the same problem and it happens when I apply the update.
Just tell those who haven't update Fsp yet to be carefull about that.

Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - firebug - 21-08-2005

I have reproduced this error and I think its (also?) a minor coding error: if you doubleclick in the flight log on the most right column (next to
column points), you will get this error..

Re: Error in Pilot Flight Log - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Also, a total uninstall and reinstall should fix the issue. Make sure you manually delete any left over files in the FSPassengers folder.