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Date? - Printable Version

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Date? - tigge - 11-08-2005

Hi i have a question the program it work`s fine , but the date of the flightreport is always the same 21/4-2005
can anyone help me please
Per E

Re: Date? - David - 11-08-2005

I don't have the answer for that problem but i have my own about my FS PAssengers. I like to start flights before i go to bed and each time
i do i look at the flight time and it sais that i am flying in the morning. Which time does FSP run off of?

Last night flew around 8/10/2005 10:00 pm my time and when i ended the flight it showed it as 8/11/2005 with some time which i forgot. Smile

Post Edited ( 08-11-05 23:36 )

Re: Date? - DanSteph - 11-08-2005

Quote:tigge wrote:
Hi i have a question the program it work`s fine , but the date of the flightreport is always the same 21/4-2005
can anyone help me please
Per E

did you changed in general option "use real date" to "use Fs date?"


Re: Date? - David - 11-08-2005

Fore me it is set to use the System date using FS but FSP was using the Real World date but i changed it to the FS date. Thanks. I never
looked on the General i always skipped that page.

Re: Date? - tigge - 12-08-2005

[color=#3333cc]Hi, and thak`s Dan it work fine after your help, FSPassenger is a great addon i have been a "flightsimmer"in many years and this
addon have been awaited for many years just what i need.
Happy landings to you
Per E.