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Bad text. - Printable Version

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Bad text. - Tepic - 10-08-2005

I just had the cabin crew report that the passengers ate at 19pm.... That should be 1900 or 7pm Smile

Post Edited ( 08-11-05 00:07 )

Re: Bad text. - SaVas - 11-08-2005

I have noticed a few typos in FSP but overall I get the gist of what its saying.

...As long sa ti dosent cmoe uot liek thsi Im KO wiht ti

Re: Bad text. - Tepic - 11-08-2005

Oh I'm not complaing! I'm one of the worst for spelling and grammar!

I just posted so Dan can take note and fix it in his own time.

Re: Bad text. - silo - 11-08-2005

Dan requested to report errors...you can do it here:


(or by PM to Dan)

Post Edited ( 08-11-05 02:48 )

Re: Bad text. - DanSteph - 11-08-2005

Silo is right,

post them all in the mentionned thread so I can keep a track...
Please DON'T mail them to me or PM them, put them all in this thread:
