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Bug on gravel taxiways? - Printable Version

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Bug on gravel taxiways? - YukonMike - 06-08-2005

I was flying out of Deadhorse Alaska and when taxiing to the runway I went from concrete to gravel and the passengers started to panic,
The display said I ran off the runway on take-off and at the end of the flight I was deducted points and fined for this.

Anyway to work around this as I fly alot of remote airports and don't want to get fined for each gravel taxiway I take

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - pagir - 06-08-2005

Which kind of aircraft were you flying?

I'm not sure it's a good idea to take off, say, a 747 from a gravel landstrip...

Otherwise, it can be a addon scenery problem. Look at



Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - YukonMike - 06-08-2005

It wasn't the runway, it was a gravel taxiway.

Using the default PASC airport in FS2004

Aircraft was a gulfstream 690

Thanks for the response

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - Iberiaorbit - 06-08-2005

Something similar happent to me at Barcelona LEBL airport after landing. At the end of the runway there is an area marked with yellow
arrows. This makes the area good for taxing but not for landing on it. Is a good reference for landing in short rws cause pilots dare to
approach nearer to the beggining of the runway cause there is already a long area of pavel under them. Anyway I taxied over there and
fear and desperation took pray of my passengers.

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - SWAFO - 06-08-2005

There is a bug with some taxiways found in aftermarket scenery (even some of the default from what I can see). Basically, the AFCAD
files for the scenery are bad, and FSP interprets it as you not being on a taxiway at all. Do you get a penalty after flying for landing or
taxiing outside the taxiway? How fast are you taxiing?

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - sjwk - 06-08-2005

The ice runways in Antarctica seem to do the same thing - don't think I've got any extra scenery installed down there but I'll doublecheck

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - YukonMike - 07-08-2005

As soon as I rolled onto the gravel portion of the taxiway the satisfaction level dropped like a rock and fear set in.

I was going about 20knts while taxiing, It said nothing about going off the taxiway just off the runway during takeoff

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - DanSteph - 07-08-2005

at 20kts there is no surface check, you must have taxiied at more than 35kts wich is a fault anyway...

Anyway brad is right the surface declaration are wrong it's a scenary problem,
if you want to avoid that at least on taxiway simply taxii at less than 35 kts.


Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - dorknight - 08-08-2005

one other thing, measure your 35kts speed using the GPS not your airspeed indicator,
cause if you have a tailwind your airspeed will be lower than groundspeed... and well while your on the ground I guess the groundspeed is the most
important one Smile

happy flying


Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - alphaone - 08-08-2005

maybe its just me... but isn't it a bad idea to taxi a jet on a gravel taxiway? all those rocks + jet engines seem like a bad mix to me... wow

Re: Bug on gravel taxiways? - DanSteph - 08-08-2005

Quote:dorknight wrote:
one other thing, measure your 35kts speed using the GPS not your airspeed indicator,

Rob is right also 20kts GS not IAS..
