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Issue 747 + FsP - Printable Version

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Issue 747 + FsP - nevinch - 06-08-2005

I think this is more of a PMDG issue but because it's happening with FsP wanted to post and see if others are experiencing this.

Anytime during flight if I have a/t connected and I bring up the menus with the Alt key...usually I'll be doing stuff within the FsP menu. Well,
when I leave it the a/t disconnect message appears for a second, I get the aural warning, the engines go to idle and then quickly resume
their previous settings....but if I'm on approach this is devastating because it'll cause the airspeed to first plummet and then surge....when
it surges it will go well over the max speed for the flaps I have deployed.

This essentially caused me to crash.

Anyone out there dealing with this too or am I on an island? LOL


Re: Issue 747 + FsP - Drumcode - 06-08-2005

I'm having all sorts of problems with PMDG's 747 and FSP. I'll wait for some resolution/update that will allow me to fly flawlessly with both.

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - United001 - 07-08-2005

I too am having problems between PMDG 747 and FsP, I cannot use any passenger loading/economic mode. I can use
the nice comm and nav control keys and sound effects, just no passengers. I too must wait.

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - JayKae - 07-08-2005

This is strange guys, I have clocked almost 90 hours with the 747 by PMDG to "beta" test and I have had no issues apart from the issues
with the 747 that are being discussed in THEIR forums. Nothing seems to be related to FSP.

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - nevinch - 07-08-2005

Jay Kae

Can you try one thing for me? Next time your climbing out if you could go into the FSP sub-menu and perhaps just pick something like in-
flight report....and then close it out. A/t does not flip out on you as I described above? It doesn't even have to be FsP....you could just pick
FSUIPC and then close it.

Apart from that things are just fine....I do load fuel from the PMDG loader and then load my pax and some cargo with FsP.

Anyways, if no one else is getting the same issue I probably have a corrupt install.


Re: Issue 747 + FsP - nevinch - 07-08-2005


Perhaps this should be moved to the FS2004 General forum as this is starting to sound like nothing to do with FsP. Well, my issue
anyways I obviously can't speak for the other problems above as I'm not having any of those. I can open up the FSUIPC submenu and it
has the same effect on the a/t.

Just posting here because I know quite a few people are using it and wanted to see if anyone else has this issue. So far, I've seen one
other person who can duplicate this issue.


Re: Issue 747 + FsP - JayKae - 07-08-2005

Just tried what you asked me to do and no issue at all... I will keep trying with other things for a while

I might move it IF it is not anything to do with FsP

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - nevinch - 07-08-2005

Great....thanks a lot. You know, I tried it a few times as well.....took a long flight from Anchorage to Cork, Ireland and now it's becoming
more of a sporadic issue and that's really throwing me off.

My short term solution is learning all the key commands so I don't have to go into the menus....worked great and kissed the runway in
Ireland......gotta go drink some Green Beer!!!

Thx much
Chuck Beer

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - SaVas - 07-08-2005

Personally Im not going to use my PMDG 744 with FSP yet, until I know everything is compatible.

That and considering I started with the MAAM DC3 as my first aircraft with my new company and I think 3 million, I have a long way to go
before I can add the 744 to my FSP hanger. In the mean time I just fly it around without FSP

Re: Issue 747 + FsP - FlyBoy2 - 07-08-2005

LOL I am having problems with the 747 but it has nothing to do with FSP I was able to fully load it useing FsP My Problem is I don
t Know how any of the gages in it worK I am so use to the Level-D 767 FMC that it is totally different on this big bird.