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I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - Printable Version

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I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - jrivard - 06-08-2005

I have purchased this and started my own virtual company using the aeroworx king air 200. I keep being penalized 300 points for not using the flaps
during takeoff...yet in the real one, you don't use them. I've checked the Tips and Tricks, and also looked at the more_option.cfg, I'm just not sure
what, if anything, will help me there.
How do I get that penalty to disappear?


Re: I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - nevinch - 06-08-2005

Check the forum with the search engine...this has been discussed to exhaustion.

Re: I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - jrivard - 06-08-2005

The forums search function isn't exactly user friendly...

Will try looking again though.

Re: I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - DanSteph - 06-08-2005

edit more_option.cfg file in config folder and set this line:

DisableFlapCheck =1;


Re: I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - jrivard - 06-08-2005

Thanks Dan!!

Re: I don't want to use flaps during takeoff... - DanSteph - 07-08-2005

you welcome
