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Flaps for the takefoff???? - Printable Version

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Flaps for the takefoff???? - AVQ21 - 05-08-2005

Here the message which I have at the time I finish my flight.
Forgetting to set the proper flaps during take-off is an extremely dangerous fault and does not show proper piloting skills. (-300)

I tested all the positions with my flpas and nothing goes, I always have this message

I do not know if somebody could say to me if it has the same problem as me? If so, that should be made?

Thank you Pierre-Luc Arsenault

Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - Jetsgo - 05-08-2005

Hi Pierre-Luc,
I've had the same problem. I usually adjust the flaps before take-off, by pressing F7 three times (depending on your aircraft, it might
require pressing it more or less.) This will increase or decrease the flap's position. Try playing around with the F7 key until you've got it
upon take-off and landing.

This may help.


Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - Ryanamur - 06-08-2005

Did you guys checked out this thread?


Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - ski4ever - 21-08-2005

Hi. I had the same problem with my Piper Cherokee six.
I remembered something a pilot buddy of mine said who flew these.

Sometimes, on high loads, he'd takeoff with full flaps. On FS, there's only 2 settings. APPR and Dwn.
So, I took off with full flaps. No more penalty.

Also, I think you can get this if you bring the flaps out too quick.

Am anxious to test this theory on the AN-124, which requires a 2nd and 3rd notch of flaps just before liftoff.
Too much drag with full flaps. Speed first, then flaps.

Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - pagir - 21-08-2005

And don't retract before 500 feet!


Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Pagir mentioned the answer to the problem most people are having. Don't retract your flaps until you're at least 500 feet above the
ground! This topic has been discussed many times before, and a simple forum search would turn up an answer quickly. Thread closed.

Re: Flaps for the takefoff???? - pagir - 22-08-2005

(I'm reopening the thread just to say:

Bienvenue ici, Pierre-Luc!

Toi comme moi et Ryanamur (Phil) sommes Québécois. Beer

(Just to say welcome to Pierre-Luc, from Quebec) Wink

...and thread re-closed!!!
