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747 Porpoise - Printable Version

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747 Porpoise - nevinch - 05-08-2005

Dan I think alluded to this earlier about fixing a CG issue....just wondering if that would be affecting my 747 in flight currently.

I am at FL350 with steady winds but am porpoising at a constant rate of +/- 500 ft per min. I load the fuel with the PMDG config manager
but of course the pax + cargo must be loaded through FsP. But, It seems no matter how I load the a/c the CG is always
_ _ _ _ _ *_ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (star being CG)

Could that possibly be why I'm porpoising and/or is that what you were referring to as the CG problem?

Many thanks

Re: 747 Porpoise - DanSteph - 05-08-2005

Hello Chuck,

I'm done currently with the "atomic" solution that allow you to disable completely the weight
update (Fsp loader don't touch to any weight) wich is an emergency solution if nothing work,
but I didn't started to work on the "fine" solution that would allow to create precise PMDG
model that will work flawlessly.

As I didn't tested all this I cannot answer currently, but be assured that i'm working all the day
long for the update... when I'll start to work on this I'll post on this forum with my result...
the upgrade news are here: http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4874
