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Save or Resume funciton in FSP - Printable Version

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Save or Resume funciton in FSP - Rainer - 01-08-2005


first of all, thanks for this great Product. It is realy great and I'm very satisfied. Only one thing I miss, is the save function or a Resume
abiltiy when FS crashed. This I had just yesterday ,on my long hole Flight from Singapore to Frankfurt. After a 10:30 perfect flight (only 1
more ours to fly), Passagers was to 100% satisfied my FS2004 crashed without any notice Grrr. In that case I wisch to have resume a
function in FSpassengers where the last step is saved so I can continue. Please make it possible this was now the second time where I
had a long hole trip (10:00) and FS crashed just one the last hour. It makes very frustrating to do the flight again.

Hope you can make it possible. Please I cannot fly anymore without FSP.


Re: Save or Resume funciton in FSP - pagir - 01-08-2005

It was implemented during beta testing... but it wasn't stable enough for release...

But maybe later!!!
