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Unbalanced penalty points - Printable Version

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Unbalanced penalty points - zappie - 19-07-2005

This is quite an amazing program to utilise, to begin with, it works very well on my system and I'm having fun with
it. But, in some areas
like the penalty point allocation is, unrealistic.... Consider this... you fly a flight quite well, do everything right, and on
balance, do a
fantastic job... whilst aloft you experience a huge wind direction shift and speed which gives you an overspeed...
remember this is FS9
ok? WEll to then get hit with lots of penalty points that puts your overall total into negative significantly is, frankly,
unbalanced... and it
seems like that people always get hit for the things that go wrong in life, but never get praised for the good things
very much... the points
system in FSPassengers reflects this kind of methodology (which in my opinion is wrong). My question is, can the
value of penalty points
be edited.... if not, why not... lets have a balanced system.... ok... thanks for the space Smile .


Quote:zappie wrote:
..and it seems like that people always get hit for the things that go wrong in life, but never get praised for the good things very much...

Welcome to the real world! Wink

I'm always amazed by the number of peeps who are still terrified by even the thought of flying. And that although, day in day out, 1'000 of pilots are
doing an excellent job.


I don't know about that overspeed penalty because I only fly the Cessna at the moment. But I think that FsP rewards the pilot for the good
things generously. You get points for arriving on time, landing safely in bad weather, smooth touchdown, even for landing at the
scheduled airport (!!).

Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - buster_douglas - 19-07-2005

I agree that the overspeed penalty seems highly inappropriate, especially given FS2004s tendency to add chunks to your speed without
warning. I was flying one plane where the manual said to descend with your speed at the red line.

What is the tolerance for this particular category?

Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - jboweruk - 19-07-2005

Just use the wind smoothing in FSUIPC, or Activesky V if you have it. I haven't had the wind thing since ASV came out.


Like DBE said, welcome to the real world! For example, when I go flying here in a few hours, I might get to fly the whole flight (I'm the FO,
remember... lol), however I guarantee that if I have a rough touchdown, the PAX will walk away with that opinion of my airline etched in
their minds. "We're the rough landing airline", or whatever they'll believe. If everything is perfect, I might get a few compliments as they're
walking out the door, however the next time they come back to fly with us it's unlikely they'll remember the flawless flight as much as they
remember the crappy landing.

The negative is always more emphasized in our world. Why do you think the news is all about murders, rapes, and kidnappings?
Occasionally they'll throw in something positive, but what do you remember more? How many people got murdered in your city today (my
city has the problem with near daily murders, don't know if this applies to anyone else), or about the kids face painting festival in the park.
Unfortunately negativity will be ever present, and always play a larger roll in our mind, and consume more of our memories than the
positive events. Negative events carry more of an impact with them... they're much more difficult to forget.

Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - pagir - 19-07-2005

Funny... Here it's too hard,

there http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4760
it's too nice...

But I'm sure Dan will check and balance if needed...



Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - zappie - 21-07-2005

Thanks for the replies guys, if everything was balanced it would be a better place I guess... given that its a sim program, would be nice to
"simulate" more points for doing a good job as opposed to even great points for bad things... all in all its a fun programme, but dunno if
I'll get to the highest rank based on the current penalty point parameters. !

Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - nem - 21-07-2005

Quote:Why do you think the news is all about murders, rapes, and kidnappings?
Because it makes a lot of money and keeps people in a state of anxiety so they don't start thinking too much. Well
Sorry for the Off topic Wink

Post Edited ( 07-21-05 02:19 )

Re: UNBALANCED PENALTY POINTS - Pierino - 21-07-2005


I'm afraid you're completely right! Grrr


Quote:but dunno if I'll get to the highest rank based on the current penalty point parameters. !

Here's what you can do:
Make a flight over a war zone from time to time. If your plane gets damaged and you successfully do an emergency landing you'll get around 3500 (!)
points. This way you can "afford" a lot of penalties like overspeed or what ever.

I made a flight over Baghdad when I still was at level c1, received 3500 points for a successfull emergency landing and afterwards got immediately
promoted to c2 although I didn't have enough flying hours.

That's why Snobair is flying stupid VIPs into or out of a war zone every now and then and it's best pilot, Pierino, always has enough points on his




It's not just overspeed... I got hammered for -800 points today total on two flights. The cause? Flying into up/down draughts created by ActiveSky V
(automatically around clouds and mountains - I didn't create them)

"Performing dangerous manoeuvres in flight while the passengers don't have their seat belts fastened is criminal. (-400)"

I'm never going to get promoted here, because every time I get even close to the points required, that or something similar happens. As others have
said, I can see why it is there and agree with the theory, but with +200 points for a succesful flight (can't put in the destination, because it's a
three letter code) and -400 because you dared to fly near a cloud...? Rant

Either ASV or FSPassengers will end up not being used. The casualty will be FSPassengers, through frustration. Hunappy

Ian P.
(Who is a little miffed right now.)

Re: Unbalanced penalty points - nem - 25-07-2005

You could disable ASV's "enable vertical air simulation" option. I've lived without it so far (new feature in ASV) and think I'll rather pass up on it
for a while. Somehow it doesn't feel like it's working correctly so far.

Re: Unbalanced penalty points - DanSteph - 25-07-2005

Quote:IanP wrote:
Either ASV or FSPassengers will end up not being used. The casualty will be FSPassengers, through frustration. Hunappy

Obviously ASV it's not realist at all if it give you such things. as said Nem I suggest you disable this feature.

As in overspeed FsP is not to blame here, you had enough G to make your passengers flying
in cabin I can't really give you only -50 for such things without defeating completely the purpose
of FsP.


Re: Unbalanced penalty points - IanP - 25-07-2005

As I said above, I understand why it's there and am inclined to agree with you - it's just a bit galling when one event happens (be it an overspeed, a
vertical speed problem or whatever) that is beyond your control and you suddenly need three perfect flights (KORS to KSEA last night gave me a massive
180 points for a "perfect" flight) to make up the loss, let alone gain more points.

It's something to keep in mind, more than a direct request to do something about it. I don't know whether there *is* anything you can do about it?
It's pretty realistic to the real world that it takes a lot longer to regain a reputation than to lose it, but my airline reputation keeps going up,
despite it being permanently stuck at only flying SEP aircraft types. Wink

What I will definately do is add to the list of people asking for 3-character codes to be allowed for destinations, if possible?


Ian P.

Re: Unbalanced penalty points - DanSteph - 25-07-2005

Quote:IanP wrote:
What I will definately do is add to the list of people asking for 3-character codes to be allowed for destinations, if possible?

Sure this is already done for the next update.
But sorry I can't do anything too smooth the things that do others add-on (would be a great fight beetween program Wink

