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Overspeed bug?? - Printable Version

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Overspeed bug?? - cadman - 31-07-2005

Just completed a flight from KBOS to LIMC using the LDS-763. I had no overspeed warning and flew within the AC engine specs, but
While in NAT-X I experanced 130knt tail winds at FL350. This pushed my ground speed to 570+ Does FSpassenger look at ground
speed for the overspeed penelty?



Re: Overspeed bug?? - FlyBoy2 - 31-07-2005

I have noticed that myself I did a 767-300 from JFk to DFW last night and noticed while in flight I hit the over speed mark even though my Auto Pilot
was on and set to 296 I have a feeling that the weather has something to do with it. I use ActiveSky and notice when it updates the current weather
conditions it will put me in overspeed.


Re: Overspeed bug?? - DanSteph - 31-07-2005

you can travel at mach 15 ground speed if you AS is below VNE your aircraft will never broke...
so FsP use AS of course for VNE.


Re: Overspeed bug?? - cadman - 01-08-2005

Thanks for the update Dan. Just can't figure out how to keep this from happening. I too use Activesky V. I never had the cockpit
overspeed warning go off. Perhaps there is a slight mismatch on the overspeed of the 763 between lds-763 and fspassenger. Is there
a way to change this, or at least see if they are matching?



Re: Overspeed bug?? - BenBaron - 01-08-2005


don't know if this is right but I would say FSP simply checks wether the flightsimulator itself reports an overspeed and activates the built in
warning. Then FSP knows there was an overspeed condition... . Dan, correct me if I am wrong.