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Problem with setting destination - Printable Version

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Problem with setting destination - James - 27-07-2005

This is not a problem for me but I'm posting this on me mates behalf. He has just reformatted his PC due to a good few problems and on reinstalling
all of FS addons again, he came accross a problem when FsPassengers was installed and running. When going to set his destination for the flight, an
error occured in which the destination could not be found. This has happened about 6 times now on all of our group flights. I know there is a file
called 'Icao_db' in the config folder of the main FsPassengers folder but its full of all of the airport ID's.

I would appreciate any help on this issue in order to pass this onto me mate who is gettin' pretty frustrated with this issue as far as I can tell.



Re: Problem with setting destination - DanSteph - 27-07-2005

can you tell me what the error exactly ? does it simply not find the destination
or you get an error message ?


Re: Problem with setting destination - James - 27-07-2005

As far as I know it just won't find the destination so it can't be set.

Post Edited ( 07-27-05 22:58 )

Re: Problem with setting destination - James - 27-07-2005

UPDATE: I've doubled checked with him and its definitly not giving any error message. Is it anything to do with FsPassengers itself or could it be to
do with the flightsim? or even another addon sure?

Re: Problem with setting destination - DanSteph - 28-07-2005

if it simply don't show the destination detail its because the ICAO isn't in the icao_DB
but be assured it will work the same (given that the icao is right of course)


Re: Problem with setting destination - Gibbmusic - 28-07-2005

Is it a 3-letter ICAO? This problem has already been reported and will the addressed in the next version according to Dan. I think
somebody found a workaround by using 3 letters and a space, but I'm not sure. I haven't tried a 3-letter ICAO yet...anybody help here?


Re: Problem with setting destination - nem - 28-07-2005

Are there actually 3-letter ICAO codes? Aren't those IATA?

(Must confess I'm absolutely not sure on this subject...)

Re: Problem with setting destination - James - 28-07-2005

No the airports we've been flying to are 4 letter ICAO codes. And very known and big airports such as London-LHR(EGLL) and Dublin Intl(EIDW). If its a
case of about 30 ICAO codes not being in the ICAO_db file then I'll try send him my one and see if it works. I'll update yeahs if its any success.

EDIT: Well I've found out now that he thought the destination of FsPassengers was set with the planes FMGC. I told him that he needed to set it manually and now it works like a charm for him.

Post Edited ( 07-28-05 19:50 )

Re: Problem with setting destination - ski4ever - 21-08-2005

HI. Do you know if this has been solved yet?

I've landed at 2 3 letter ICAO code airports and gottend killed both Times.

Grangeville ID S80. Entered as space S80. Wrong airport.
Buena Vista CO 7V1 Entered as 7V1 space. Wrong airport.



Re: Problem with setting destination - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

You "gottend killed both Times"? What does this mean?