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[Solved] SQL export error - Printable Version

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[Solved] SQL export error - Steve Mc Lean - 23-07-2005

Hi guys, it's me again.

Here is the problem: From the export to VA box I recieved that.

Air Canada Virtual/Steve Mc Lean selected
11 total flight, 2 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export...

-Exporting of 2 Flights started:
-Error, unable to export flight number 5 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax
-Error, unable to export flight number 11 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax

2 flights could not be exported.

Any clue on the nature of the problem? It worked well the 9 other times. Also I have not fiddled around with the
script file.

On the other hand, just to let you guys know, after the edit voice pack episode of CTD's fixed by rebuilding the
pack, I can say that I still get
them once in a while, depending it seems, on the a/c panel I use.

Thanks in advance.


Re: SQL export error - vollmey - 24-07-2005

Have you already exported flights 5 and 11?? It's not on your side it's on your VA side (SQL Database). You might ask them, unless your
them. Smile And then you might want to check and see if there are duplicating flights. That would cause the SQL error to show on your side.

Post Edited ( 07-24-05 01:46 )

Re: SQL export error - DanSteph - 24-07-2005

Steve, can you send me the whole content of your "database" folder,
I'll try on my side and see what's the problem



Re: SQL export error - Steve Mc Lean - 24-07-2005

To Dan,

Sure thing I would be more than pleased but, where exactly do I send it? I cannot attach it to the general contact e-mail address. You can
e-mail the address at steve.mclean@sympatico.ca. Thanks

To Vollmey:

No I did not export either one of these flights and a third one tonight got the same treatment. Also I send the flights to the demo VA at
FsPassengers and see for yoursef, it seems that the problem is on my end of the protocole;

Attempt To connect to website...Connection etablished - OK.

Welcome to FsPassengers virtual airline DEMO

Air Canada Virtual/Steve Mc Lean selected
12 total flight, 3 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export...

Air Canada Virtual/Steve Mc Lean selected
12 total flight, 3 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export...

-Exporting of 3 Flights started:
-Error, unable to export flight number 5 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax
-Error, unable to export flight number 11 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax
-Error, unable to export flight number 12 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax

3 flights could not be exported.

Any idea of what can cause that. Maybe I should download a fresh copy of FS from the site and try that as I used my key on the demo I
downloaded. Thanks in any cases.


Re: SQL export error - Steve Mc Lean - 24-07-2005

Sorry Dan got your address from your profile, I should have looked first. I mail it right away.


Re: SQL export error - Steve Mc Lean - 24-07-2005


I installed a fresh copy of FSP. The two last flights, #11-#12 have gone through no problem on the first try but #5 still hangs with the SQL

Re: SQL export error - DanSteph - 24-07-2005

Database received I'll make some test with it, thanks for sending.


Re: SQL export error - Jose Adolfo - 24-07-2005

I have the same problem.

J. Adolfo medina

Re: SQL export error - pegase - 04-08-2005

Got the same thing for my last flight (N°12)

World Travel/Pierre Dupont selected
12 total flight, 12 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export...

Change export flag utility called

World Travel/Pierre Dupont selected
12 total flight, 12 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export...

-Exporting of 12 Flights started:
-Flight number 1 exported successfully.
-Flight number 2 exported successfully.
-Flight number 3 exported successfully.
-Flight number 4 exported successfully.
-Flight number 5 exported successfully.
-Flight number 6 exported successfully.
-Flight number 7 exported successfully.
-Flight number 8 exported successfully.
-Flight number 9 exported successfully.
-Flight number 10 exported successfully.
-Flight number 11 exported successfully.
-Error, unable to export flight number 12 ->SQL Error - You have an error in your SQL syntax

11 Flights exported successfully.

1 flights could not be exported.

I don't want to overload your mailbox with databases (although the files are tiny) so I will send them on your request.

Re: SQL export error - Iberiaorbit - 04-08-2005


Re: SQL export error - DanSteph - 05-08-2005

Ok "bug" corrected...

in fact wasn't not a bug, just an idiot administrator
that tought that disabling magic_quote_gpc was a good idea...

Pegase try again and let me know if ok...

Steve, sorry I used your DB and exported the flight that caused error...


Re: [Solved] SQL export error - pegase - 05-08-2005

I did, OK works fine Top

Re: [Solved] SQL export error - DanSteph - 05-08-2005

cool ! thanks Beer
