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Flaps penalty - Printable Version

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Flaps penalty - Oren-VATIL7 - 17-07-2005

Get get penalized by 300 points every time I fly for taking off without setting flaps in the correct position.
I have been flying Dreamfleet's Beech A36 and C177, happened on both airplanes. I took care to stop before lining up, and add one notch
of flaps.
Is this happening to other people as well?

Re: Flaps penalty - ALT1579 - 17-07-2005

If you set your flaps correctly according to your aircraft's documentation, then you might want to turn off the flaps penalty when you fly these

Re: Flaps penalty - Oren-VATIL7 - 17-07-2005

Yes, I understand that.
However, I did set one notch of flaps - fspassengers still gave the flaps penalty.
How can I disable the flaps penalty? I see two items:
DisableFlapSpeedLimit =0; // disable flap speed penalty
DisableFlapCheck =0; // disable excess flap speed penalty
Which is the correct one for the take off penalty?

Re: Flaps penalty - DanSteph - 17-07-2005

if you put one notch than the penalty should not happen....
the things is that you must not raise them at 10 feet
after take off but a bit higher.. and put them on again before landing.


Re: Flaps penalty - Oren-VATIL7 - 18-07-2005

That just may be the problem, I will try to keep them down for a few more seconds and update...

Re: Flaps penalty - jboweruk - 18-07-2005

Raise the flaps long after the gear but before you rip them off, about 500' should be fine. I too fly the A36 and the Cardinal, and never had
a flap message on either, in fact the A36 is my biggest earner at the mo' since I only have GA planes on my fleet.

Re: Flaps penalty - SWAFO - 18-07-2005

This topic has also been discussed ad nauseum in the forums. Please use the search feature.

Re: Flaps penalty - Oren-VATIL7 - 19-07-2005

Quote:This topic has also been discussed ad nauseum in the forums. Please use the search feature.
Actually, I did before posting. Found many references for flaps etc. Not the exact problem.
Perhaps it is hiding in some post I missed. But is it THAT wrong to ask a question at a support forum?

Thanks Dan, Thanks John, if I stall raising them it's working fine.
I am now using my A36 to earn some money and hours and progress to a twin, but I'm kinda broke at 60,000$ Smile

Re: Flaps penalty - ski4ever - 21-08-2005

Hi. I've been having the same problem with my Piper Cherokee six.
I remember a pilot buddy of mine saying something about full flaps takeoffs with high loads.

Tried it. No more penalites. Smile

Re: Flaps penalty - ILikePlanes - 21-08-2005

what if the aircraft doesn't have flaps? (ford trimotor)

Re: Flaps penalty - Jetsgo - 21-08-2005

If your problem persits, you can temporarly disable the penalty in the FS9/Fs Passengers/Config/Mission file
Create your own (or edit a defualt) and disable the penalty by putting a 1, rather then the regular 0. Do this for as many penalties as you

Re: Flaps penalty - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Quote:Oren-VATIL7 wrote:
Quote:This topic has also been discussed ad nauseum in the forums. Please use the search feature.
Actually, I did before posting. Found many references for flaps etc. Not the exact problem.
Perhaps it is hiding in some post I missed. But is it THAT wrong to ask a question at a support forum?

Thanks Dan, Thanks John, if I stall raising them it's working fine.
I am now using my A36 to earn some money and hours and progress to a twin, but I'm kinda broke at 60,000$ Smile

It's quite simple actually. We don't like a bunch of duplicate posts floating around (which should be obvious), so I nicely asked you to try
the search feature. The answer that Dan gave (about you must keep the flaps deployed until at 500FT), is the right one, and this one has
been given MANY times in the past. You didn't search good enough if you didn't get an answer Smile

It is an appropriate question for the support forum, however it takes time for you to get an answer when you post a new topic. If you use
the search feature, it's near instantaneous!

If you can't find the answer by using the search feature, then by all means post a question. That's what the forums are here for.

Re: Flaps penalty - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Also, this topic is discussed here: http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=314

There's no reason you should miss that one. Thread closed.