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FS9 Crash's - Printable Version

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FS9 Crash's - Cpt George - 16-07-2005

When flying a long flight when I'm comming in on App FS9 closes. Short flights seem like no problem.

Re: FS9 Crash's - DBE - 16-07-2005

Actually not really an FSP problem, I'm afraid. Happened to me a couple of times before I even found out about this great add-on!

Re: FS9 Crash's - Cpt George - 17-07-2005

Thanks for the reply

Re: FS9 Crash's - ha5mvo - 17-07-2005

Still, I had those CTD since I had installed FsP.
What's more - they are very characteristic and I never had those before...

It starts with stutters, then after a while the ATC window goes blank and I can't bring out those red lables (framerates, breaks, parking
breaks...etc). This is followed by very blurred textures, and finally the screen turns blank, the harddrive goes crazy and FS crashes to desktop.

This happens only when an aircraft is loaded in FsP. and it never happed before installing FsP (sure, I had a CTD occasionally - but it was rare and
never in the way I described above).
I did try 2 different display drivers, but it made no difference
The thing is, that its unpredictable - sometimes it happens, sometimes not.
I think it tends to be more of a problem when the frames drop (due to scenery, dense AI or whatever).

can it be related to FsPs display window (ctrl-shft v)? just a hunch...

did someone experience something similar?



Re: FS9 Crash's - Marty - 18-07-2005

I had those exact problems too. My graphics card was playing up before installing FSP, so I don't blame it all on FSP. I fixed all the probs by
deleting my display drivers thoroughly and installing the latest drivers for my ATI card.

It's very important to make sure your old drivers are completly removed before installing new ones. I used Driver Cleaner 3, which is for ATI and
nVidia drivers.

This will give you the download link: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Driver-Cleaner-Download-6505.html

Good luck!


Re: FS9 Crash's - boeingkje - 18-07-2005

I have got the same problem. Everytime when I'm in my final approach FS2004 gives a black screen and after one minute it goes back to
my desktop and it says that it's has a error with the atc.dll.
I have removed fs2004 and all of my add-ons (quite a lot I'm really a fanatic flightsimmerSmile) and installed only my fs2004 with Fsp and
guess what? Same problem! WallSad It still has the same problem so anyone a suggestion??? PLEASE???Help

Re: FS9 Crash's - DBE - 18-07-2005

What version of FS2004 do you guys have: 9.0 or 9.1?

Many (but not all) CTD issues were addressed in that patch.

9.0 to 9.1 patch can be found here => http://www.microsoft.com/games/flightsimulator/downloads.asp

Re: FS9 Crash's - Sonny - 18-07-2005

I had the the same problem. It happend when I got the airfield in sight, so I guessed it was an graphics-driver problem.

So I downloaded the latest drivers for my Nvidia 5600, and now I am a happy FSPassenger owner, flying along with no problems at all.

Re: FS9 Crash's - jboweruk - 18-07-2005

True, I still get some though, another thing to try is update your .inf drivers for the motherboard. Make sure they are right up to date. Was
told by one of our best engineers at work this can cause random crashes in games, and we all know FS9 can be a terror for that Smile

The main one I get is the black screen and hourglass crash followed by the "sorry but fs9 has encountered a problem.... " etc.

Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 18-07-2005

I've got a crashing to black screen problem too but soon after landing at my local airport and it always happens after the tower's hands
me off to ground after a landing at KMLI (Quad City International).

FSP had been working great, and I don't suppose that it's the cause of this problem. I keep after my computer very well and it's got good
speed 3.06Ghz. Here's a brief description of what happens in a repeatable(predictable) pattern.

- I'll fly a short flight from Geneseo (3G8) to Quad City International (KMLI?) about a 12 min. flight. Standard Cessna Skylane in Green and
white paint.
- Flight goes great, passengers are happy.
- Contact tower to make full stop landing. Follow instruction.... things are gong great.... perfect landing!.
- Tower asks me to leave runway when able......normal.
- Enter taxiway, tower hands me off to ground. I acknowledge this and as soon as my pilot readback is done I get a black screen with the
FSP mini report still showing, the sound of the air conditioning in the cabin going but that's it! And I can do this again!.

I tried a complete uninstall of FSP and FS9. A reinstall with just FS9, the v9.1 update, and FSP and this still happens. Any ideas as to
which program could be causing this? Perhaps some of you could recreate this flight and see if it happens to you.

Any help is much appreciated and fly on!!!
[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - SaVas - 18-07-2005

If it just shuts down it could also be your computer is out of virtual memory. On long flights, the computer can only store so much
information between point A and point B before it says it has had enough.

Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 18-07-2005

is there a way inside XP (home) to increase the amount of virtual memory reserved? But my problem comes after a 12 minute flight.

[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - SaVas - 18-07-2005

Quote:Chris B. wrote:
is there a way inside XP (home) to increase the amount of virtual memory reserved? But my problem comes after a 12 minute flight.

[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

The only way I have found to increase the amount of virtual memory for FS9 (and even still on very very long flights over land especially it
will occasionally happen) is to partition your HD and go into all areas of your PC and turn off all applications/programs/behind the
scenes stuff you dont need so they dont suck up resources (I used FS-GS to work my PC for FS9 - http://www.fs-gs.com )

I use CCleaner (Crap Cleaner)


. What I tend to do is run CCleaner a couple of times throughout the flight by alt tabbing to my desktop running the program and letting it
clean up everything that my computer has used and stored. It is a great freeware program. Then I alt tab back to the sim and continue on.

Post Edited ( 07-18-05 16:28 )

Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 18-07-2005

SaVas, Yes Crap Cleaner is a great program and I use it about twice a month to help rid the junk that builds up. Fast too. I use it here at
work but I think that I'll try it at home. I also recently defragged and performed an error check.. but the crap cleaner is something worth
trying. Thanx, SaVas!

Chris B.
[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - ha5mvo - 19-07-2005

just to provide info regarding some of the points that have been raised:
my FS is ver 9.1; the latest ATI drivers PROPERLY installed (previous version removed by ATI's driver cleaner); mobo inf up to date...no crap,
defragmented disk, 1 gig Ram.
again, I should emphesise - this type of crash scenario never occured before FsP.

any idea from developement/support??

