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I'm heavy :P - Printable Version

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I'm heavy :P - Marcb - 15-07-2005

Hi Dan and team,

I ran into an oddity: ATC addressed my Mooney Bravo as being "heavy".

I think for some reason FsP assigned my Bravo a tail number with the addition "heavy" by accident. I realise it's a minor bug, but
nevertheless I thought it was worth putting it at your attention.



Re: I'm heavy :P - jboweruk - 15-07-2005

Hmm, I had this with a Cessna Cardinal too. Strange. Anyone else?

Post Edited ( 07-15-05 15:07 )

Re: I'm heavy :P - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

uh that strange I thought this one was ok..

do you use the "ATC use FSP call sign ID" or
did you disabled it by any chance ?


Re: I'm heavy :P - Marcb - 15-07-2005

Quote:DanSteph wrote:
uh that strange I thought this one was ok..

do you use the "ATC use FSP call sign ID" or
did you disabled it by any chance ?


Hi Dan,

Yes I did check the "ATC uses FSP call sign ID" option in the configuration of Fsp. So I think that it by error adds the "heavy" to it.


Re: I'm heavy :P - jboweruk - 15-07-2005

Hmm, I thought I replied too but maybe not. Yes I had the use FSP call sign option on too.

Re: I'm heavy :P - crash_continental - 15-07-2005

Actually, I've had this one too, at certain times with prop and turbo prop aircraft. Particularly the Flight1 ATR72-500. I figured it wasn't the
worst thing in the world, but it'd be great if you could find an easy fix for it.

Re: I'm heavy :P - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

mhhh that's really strange... I just checked and it work right on my computer...
Heavy should be set when your aircraft is more than 113 metric ton...

that's puzzle me I ran the code line by line and its simply right...

Anyone that have this bug that would test a new DLL ?
I have a new version that write some info in the log...


if yes can you send me a mail with a short introduction about what is it ??? (I receive a lot of mail)


Re: I'm heavy :P - kayle411 - 16-07-2005

Post Edited ( 07-22-10 08:50 )

Re: I'm heavy :P - SWAFO - 16-07-2005

A mooney is far from being considered "heavy", usually, the 747's, 777's and 767's will be the "heavies". I think you have to weigh more
than ~300,000lbs for that to be assigned to your callsign. Not sure though, I don't fly any "heavy" aircraft.

Re: I'm heavy :P - olseric - 16-07-2005

Yep...300 000 lbs MTOW regardless of whether or not they are operating at that weight.

However, the FAA changed that to 255 000 lbs MTOW while ICAO still goes by the 300 000 lbs threshold. This is why if you listen to
foreign ATC, you won't hear a 757-300 referred to as a heavy but in the USA, you usually will.

At any rate, I know the Saab 340B I was flying earlier today wasn't a heavy even though ATC was calling me heavy. Smile

Re: I'm heavy :P - Marcb - 16-07-2005

I'll drop you an email now Dan so you can send me that new dll. I'll be happy to try it out.


Re: I'm heavy :P - toka-ito - 16-07-2005

i just noticed i got heavy too (and for sure i didnt have that much for lunch)
1st flight with the Beech Baron 58 was not heavy, now on 2nd flight i am (Callsign BBO335,, bravo bravo oscar)
Just noticed, the FS ATC only uses BBO33 as Callsign ...maybe has something to do with it...
and i have "use FSP flight id as callsign" set. Flying is taking place in the LAX area

wont mind to test some dll if you like


Post Edited ( 07-16-05 14:13 )

Re: I'm heavy :P - DanSteph - 16-07-2005

got it sent DLL to marc,

one user is enough thanks toka...


Re: I'm heavy :P - SpectroPro - 16-07-2005

I'd like a new dll to make mine work. 8( Still waiting to use this add-on. I would LOVE to use it and have my cessna called heavy...cause that
would mean I could use it at all. LOL