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PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Printable Version

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PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Kosta - 15-07-2005


Now, I did two flights by now with FSP. When approaching my Flaps 30 speed, on autopilot, something that never happened prior to FSP is, aircraft
started stalling. I set FLAPS 30, speed bug was set to 137kts on the last flight and speed went below 137 and stall was reported (and of course, I was

So, can this be somehow FSP related?


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

thats' more an autopilot problem.... if you set 137 and it goes below...


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

quote from another post:

The autopilot is a PMDG custom, so it must be tuned for a certain
weight and CG setting, at other setting it may have problem... that's an autopilot "bug"

Anyway, try to advance the CG of aircraft we have noticed that PMDG doesn't seem
to fly well with standard CG

in brief try to put the CG as below with the FsP payload dialog:


hope it help ?


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Kosta - 15-07-2005

Thanks Dan, I'll try on my next flight and report afterwards.


EDIT: Dan, I just tried with following settings, and same problem as like the one in the beginning: CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyable - I barely took off. Terrible idea. Only works properly if I keep CG in the middle.

Post Edited ( 07-15-05 16:09 )

Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

than you may try with CG on rear Smile

I'll definitively buy a PMDG one time to test all that...
unfortunately I'll not be able to simply fly with them....


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Kosta - 15-07-2005

Hi Dan,

You don't own PMDG? I mean, it's a big miss...

OK, I'll try rear.

What's with this "I'll not be able to simply fly with them...."??? Why not?


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

Quote:Kosta wrote:
What's with this "I'll not be able to simply fly with them...."??? Why not?

Too busy... Sad

I had one the 700 I believe but it's on my old installation and I don't have any clue
were are the original files.... gone with the wind (hd crash) I suppose.


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Kosta - 15-07-2005

OK, I tested with the -800 again, now more rear. I noticed arrow changes to black or orange, I guess that is supposed to be the limit for CG. But if I
set it to the limit, until it almost shows orange, it still gives me that error.

I hope you can solve this, cause not be able to fly PMDG as it is, is real shame, cuz it's together with the Level-D the best addon on the market.


Re: PMDG 737-800 another Problem - Kosta - 15-07-2005

Just another info. It was a human error. Mine. Again.

Seems I've been flying Level-D 767 too much so that I forgot 737 functions. Like the one that LVL CHG doesn't actually hold the AT speed. Oh well...
one more thing learned.
