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FS crashes on selecting COM freq - Printable Version

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FS crashes on selecting COM freq - ALT1579 - 15-07-2005

Hello Dan,

Here is the scenario:

FS2004 (no servicepack)
Offline flight.
Feelthere ERJ145-PIC
Flight: KSFO - KLAX
Flying at cruise FL330
Passengers have been fed and drinks are being served (55%)
I've used the keyboard 2 times to change COM1 frequency and once to change NAV1 frequency.
I want to tune to the ATIS of KLAX, I see it's frequency is in the standby of COM1 so I hit the switch-button instead of typing the freq.
FS2004 crashes.

I have not tried to reproduce this. If you need more info, let me know.

Besides this error I haven't had any problems with it. I really enjoy the level of realism it creates. It's amazing!
If this error can be solved I will probably buy it (shh! don't tell my wife).



Re: FS crashes on selecting COM freq - DanSteph - 15-07-2005

Sorry as this is the first time it's reported you perhaps just ran in something else...
I don't have a clue what happen here unless you have it another time...

Let me know if this happen again...

Many Thanks


Re: FS crashes on selecting COM freq - ALT1579 - 16-07-2005

Copied, will try and see if this problem can be reproduced. I'll get back to you. Thank you for your quick reply Dan!

Re: FS crashes on selecting COM freq - DanSteph - 16-07-2005

you welcome... Wink

I'm working on a new version that *I hope* will solve some of the problem some have.
