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DASH 8 - Re: Undeserved Penalty - How to disable? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: DASH 8 - Re: Undeserved Penalty - How to disable? (/showthread.php?tid=4674)

DASH 8 - Re: Undeserved Penalty - How to disable? - kevtherev - 13-07-2005

O/K, this is not exactly a new topic, it is probably related to the thread (Re: Undeserved Penalty - How to disable?) however I am having
the same problem with the Dash 8 so it could appear to be multi turbo-prop related.
I have done three flights Airliner Pilot/FSPassenger/Dash 8 combined and on each occasion I had -250 point penalty for 'max engine
power with parking brakes applied'.
Start up config:- Throttle levers at DISC, Prop Levers at FUEL CUTOFF. Start engines and move throttle levers to START/FEATHER.
Noticed the turbine power goes above 92% (not sure what, the dials are to small to see accurately) but this would appear to impose the
It would be nice to have a disable penalty option, at least for these type of aircraft, otherwise I can only think of starting during pushback
which is not a very good idea with whirling props and is also not always necessary (the push-back I mean).
I was really miffed at this deduction of points as all the flights. service, landings, bad weather bonus etc were PERFECT.

Any help forthcoming on this one ?

Re: DASH 8 - Re: Undeserved Penalty - How to disable? - crash_continental - 13-07-2005

You might have to do the start-up with the parkbrake off, and just hold onto your brake button/key. I think Dan will implement a fix for this
(not trying to put words in his mouth) with an update. Seems to be a fairly frequent quirk of the MSFS/Add-ons/FSPassengers interfacing.
Probably the least to do with FSPassengers...