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[Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram (/showthread.php?tid=4629)

[Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

i've closed almost everything on my taskbar.

This happened for quite a number of times.
Whenever i open my FS for a certain amount of time, 1hour - 2hours or more, it will 'appear' kind of out of memory.
But i'm certain that i still have enough ram, i got 1 GB of ram anyway.

I was flying wiht FsP, very eager to see the end flight report, when i was taxiing to the gate after a successful land,
those 'Files, Options,
Modules, FsP.. and so on' menus on the top ( the one appears when you press Alt) went off.

I see nothing on the top.

So i pressed Alt, menu comes out but they aren't clickable !

Soon, im not able to do much thing, not even able to press the X (Close button) to close FS !! Could only scroll
around views in FS Hunappy

Crtl Alt Delete, Taskmanager doesn't work, it just doesn't come out.

I have to restart my computer.

Any solutions or whoever had this problem ?

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - upsidedown - 11-07-2005

I am having the same problem. Only since using FSP. Could this be a memory leak problem?

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

I had this problem before using FsP also Hunappy

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - DanSteph - 11-07-2005

Absolutely No memory are allocated dynamically during your flight in FsP (that would have been a suicide)
so that simply can't happen during your flight due to FsP...

But FsP take a good amount of memory so it may reveal another DLL leak...


Post Edited ( 07-11-05 12:58 )

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

Thanks for moving it to the support forum.

I didn't post it here because i thought it isn't related to FsP.

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - davidvoogd - 11-07-2005

I did an hour and a half of flying straight last night with FSP - no memory leaks yet.

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - DanSteph - 11-07-2005

Quote:smartboy4 wrote:
Thanks for moving it to the support forum.
I didn't post it here because i thought it isn't related to FsP.

No problem Wink


Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

Quote:davidvoogd wrote:
I did an hour and a half of flying straight last night with FSP - no memory leaks yet.
Yeah man, im sure it's not FsP's fault.

Feel like directing this to MS FS or forum.

Btw, do you guys play in full screen or full windowed screen. I play in full windowed screen i heard FS doesn't like this, that might be it.

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - psolk - 11-07-2005

I fly full screen and have not had any memory issues.
Typically memory problems are scenery or landclass related. I always used to get them when the LVL-D 767 was released and it turned out to be an
AFCAD file for my simflyers KEWR scenery. Are you using any add-on scenery when you are getting these crashes?

Re: What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

Addon scenery, yeah i've PLENTY.

Re: [Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - fruitfly - 11-07-2005

Try this freeware:


Go to 'diagnostic tools' and under 'scenery configuration problems' choose 'scan for errors' and - of course - 'fix errors'.

There's also 'locate landclass files' and you can try that, but I wouldn't reccomend you to relocate files blindly, before you get a better
grasp on the program (forum). (or - use it but do NOT check photoreal scenery files if they get listed - and they will )

It's a good habit to keep all of your mesh files - actually only their .bgl files - on the adress: FS9 - Scenery - Base - Scenery instead of in
their respective folders in AddonScenery. Of course, that does not apply to their texture folders, and it's the texture folders that cause the

To cut the long story short - I moved all the bgls from the addons that don't have texture folders (mostly terrain meshes) on the above
adress. Those that have remained (mostly airports) were checked and corrected by flightsim manager. The only addons I didn't touch
are photoreal sceneries.

flightsim and avsim forums are full of posts regarding memory leaks and in 99% cases they are scenery related. Read some of these
and search a bit for yourself:

Re: [Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - smartboy4 - 11-07-2005

Sorry but what does this do, is it easy to do ? Any effects apart from scenery worsening (that's what i think) ?

Sorry cos i gtg now, rushing.

Re: [Solved] What's happening to my FS, it appears out of ram - davidvoogd - 12-07-2005

Any memory leaks I've had were scenery related. Do you have the FS9.1 patch installed? It fixes a leak related to the new autogen.

Make sure you have no double AFCAD files.

Make sure you don't have any addon scenery folders where there is a "texture" folder with nothing in it. This will always give a big memory