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[SOLVED] Problem buying game, please help. - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Problem buying game, please help. - Paton - 11-07-2005

Hey Dan and the rest,

I have been playing around with the demo and i love it. It really does completely change the way you play the

But- I tried to purchase the full version and ran into a problem. I input all my info, including the credit card stuff.
Then click the "buy" button
(or whatever it is), and all I get is a blank white screen. Nothing happens after that. I havent recived any E-Mail
with unlock code or anything. I
assume it is a problem with my internet settings, but I dont know how to fix it and I dont want to go changing a
bunch of settings when I dont know
what they do.

A little help here please dan..or whoever.

Again, fine....no..DAMN fine job on the add on. It really is a fine piece of work. I am currently enrolled in a
University here in the US, majoring
in aviation, as well as taking flight lessons(just did my first solo cross-country on SaturdaySmile Went great!) and i
have been telling all the other
student pilots about FsPassengers. I think I got you guys some sales out here. At least 3 or 4. Even some of the
flight instructors were interested
and are going to try out the demo.

Re: Problem buying game, please help. - Ryanamur - 11-07-2005

Hi Paton,

Have you been able to purchase it? I know that Dan had problems this weekend but they should be solved now. If not, you might want to
PM Dan for his take on this.


Re: Problem buying game, please help. - DanSteph - 11-07-2005

Hello PAton,

no worry you don'0t get charged if you don't have confirmation,

this should have been a problem with klik and pay but it seem anything is working fine yet,
try again and contact me if it still doesn't work.


Re: Problem buying game, please help. - Paton - 12-07-2005

Dan, I tried to purchase using IE insted of Firefox and it worked fine. Thanks

Post Edited ( 07-12-05 09:14 )

Re: [SOLVED] Problem buying game, please help. - smartboy4 - 12-07-2005

Knew that was the problem.

Would have told you if i get to on earlier lol.

Good for ya then.