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what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - Printable Version

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what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - briansommers - 11-07-2005

im trying to figure this out, if you have seat belt set to automatic, then what?

do have to turn it on and off with ctrl+shft+b?? or does it do it automatically?

also, i constantly kept getting light penalty, the landing lights and strobes it says were allways left on on the ramp, i had to finally just go to
simple light penalty, but what do you have to actually do?? i was flying the pmdg b1900c and was getting it no matter what i tried,

do you have to be on the runway before turning them on? i did and it still made no difference

Re: what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - Ryanamur - 11-07-2005

If you set the seat belt sign to automatic... the crew will do it for you... you don't have to do anything.

As far as the lights go... it's in the docs

Strobe: turn ON before entering the runway for take-off and turn OFF when leaving the runway after landing
Landing: turn ON before entering the runway, ON for all flight operations below 10'000 ft, turn OFF when leaving the runway after landing.


Re: what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - Shane Herbel - 11-07-2005

Hi Brian,
Yes the auto belt turns the seatbelts on and off. (Then What?) Nothing you dont have to activate it by the
Ctrl Shift B button, this key function is used when the seatbelts is set to manual, then you would have to use this function.

This is what I do and I get no light penalties (My settings are set to realistic Light Penalty)
Nav LIghts - On all the time
Beacon - Just before an engine starts and on all the time while and engine is running.
Strobe - Before entering the runway and on all the time while in flight. Turn off once off the runway after landing.
Landing Lights - Same as Strobe BUT turn off at 10,000ft (So on all the time while below 10,000ft)

Give ins: Some add on aircraft have the lights setup wrong so it can happen that you may do
everything right and still get a penalty. This is not a fault of FsP.

I hope this helps. It's good to see you trying the hard light feature. Not many tackle such a task.

Happy Flying!

Oops! I was not fast enough, But Ryan is right, it's in the help docs.

Post Edited ( 07-11-05 04:38 )

Re: what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - briansommers - 11-07-2005

yeah that must be it! because i was doing it exactly as you described!, ok well its jut easier to make it easy light penalty, that way i dont
have to worry about it

Re: what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - SWAFO - 11-07-2005

I find that the manual belts work a lot better. They give me more flexibility.

Re: what actually does automatic seat belt really do? - Shane Herbel - 11-07-2005

Ahh Brian. This did happen to me while testing. But the plane I was using was full of so
many other problems I stopped using it. it would be a shame for someone like you trying
a hard setting to be penalized when doing nothing wrong. Thanks for your feedback.