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[latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory (/showthread.php?tid=46)

[latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - DanSteph - 09-04-2005

For those that follow the news you know that you can create your company
either with custom free setting or by choosing a scenario with Victory
or Fail settings.

Thinking more about this, this feature bring endless possibilities of new game
and I expect later to see more scenario submited by peoples that I'll glad to put on this
site for download...

Now you can not only design a new scenario but provide also Victory or failure
custom splash screen as well as Custom wav that will play when your compagny reach
the victory or fail condition.

Designing a new scenario is simple see this thread:

So when you create your company you can choose a scenario, if a custom image is provided
FsP tell you so:

[Image: serengeti_1.jpg]

[Image: serengeti_2.jpg]

And if finally you win the game you can have a custom victory splash screen
something like that for example: (I have done it really fast)

[Image: serengeti.jpg]

If your scenario's name is "Serengeti.cfg" you only need to drop here
a jpg image of any size with the name "serengety_win.jpg" and/or
"serengety_fail.jpg" FsP will detect them.

Also if you provide a "serengeti_win.wav" and/or "serengeti_fail.wav" FsP
will play those sound in case of victory or failure.... (you can have "boooo booooo" sound Smile

Else you'll have generic win/fail splash and sound...

Wining a game will be more appealing if people take the time
to make such image for their game....


Post Edited ( 04-09-05 06:40 )

Re: [latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - DanSteph - 09-04-2005

I just added also the missionfilename_start.jpg and missionfilename_start.wav possibilities.

Mean that if you create a compagny with a scenario and the guy provided also such "start" image you will have a splash
screen with sound (if provided also) just after company creation...

That can be a nice introduction to the "mission"

I must say it look really cool... Wink


Post Edited ( 04-09-05 15:58 )

Re: [latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - DanSteph - 11-04-2005

Picto one of my friend is doing a lot of splash screen for various scenarios
that would be available either directly with FsP either on a download page
as "add-ons scenario" to be downloaded separately.

It miss somes texts on the image but here an example of the "_win.jpg" image
for one scenario. (air rescue in africa)

[Image: 13redcrosswin4qu.jpg]


Post Edited ( 04-11-05 02:22 )

Re: [latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - Flying Tigress - 12-04-2005

Dan - You are amazing!!!!!!

Re: [latest feature] Custom splash screen and music for scenario victory - pagir - 12-04-2005

Quote:Flying Tigress a écrit:
Dan - You are amazing!!!!!!

and Picto's making great splash screens!

Message modifié ( 13-04-2005 03:51 )