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[poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - Printable Version

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[poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

I'm starting the statistics part and I wonder what you would like to see
about statistics.

-Most flyed airport ?
-distance made by flight (graph)
-others ?


Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - itael - 08-04-2005

Hi Dan,

Sorry for not responding for all of your other fantastic news but the job you do is simply amazing Top

I would really like to see statistics about most frequently used airport,
Most frequeantly flown plane,
How much fuel was consumed ,
What is the most frequently flight,
How many passangers you carried until now ...

The list is endless really ..

Keep up the good work !!!
Can't wait for it to come out.


Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

Thanks for reply itael,

Quote:itael wrote:
The list is endless really ..

Then keep posting about it...

I have room for statistics Wink


Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - Japo32 - 08-04-2005

I think the best is see the statistic you want to see. I mean.. the player can choose graphics or data statistic among a lot of them. Just
click on the ones you want and the program show them to you..

Great work Dan. Just the final steps to the end of coding!!! Smile

Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - Aurell - 08-04-2005

I suppose you will add some graphics representing the evolution of :

- General income (tickets, fret, ...)
- General expenditure (fuel, aircraft, maintenance, ...)
- Tickets income
- Fret income
- Fuel expenditure
- Maintenance cost
- Services income
- Services Expenditure
- Passegers carried
- Fret carried
- Popularity of your company


Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - fruitfly - 08-04-2005

Income and expenses per flight/company ?
Anyway, thanks for the effort!

Re: [poll] What statistics would you like to see in FSP ? - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

Quote:Japo32 wrote:
the player can choose graphics or data statistic among a lot of them. Just
click on the ones you want and the program show them to you..

Yes but I have to -program- each statistic, they will not come by themself Wink

Thanks all for suggestion and keep posting if you have new idea.
