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Weather Effects Etc.. - Printable Version

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Weather Effects Etc.. - jwhak - 07-04-2005


Just got wind of the new program coming out very excited... I have been jonsing for something to give us a bit more realism and a
mission statement..

I currently have fs9 with ActiveSky 2004.5, AlertPro, Ultimate Traffic, American Data Roads & Rails, and Some FS Genesis Mesh..

I have just been kinda dabbling with editing airfields and changing a few things in fs9 and I have alot more respect for what you all go
through to do what ya do... I do believe it is quite time consuming...

Hope I am not gonna beat ya up with questions.. But curiosity is getting the best of this cat.. (LOL)

1. What about General Aviation. Such As Turbo Props etc? Can we use them as an airline?

2. I guess I could say I am more the cargo flying bush pilot like to fly in harsh weather and remote areas. I pretend I am flying supplies in
somewhere or doing MedVacs.. In harsh weather. Maybe just some ideas there I guess.

3. I fly intentionally in some pretty rough thunderstorms to see the effects etc... Lets say there is Hail in a area where you fly in or
accidentally fly in... Of course no one wants to through a plane in that junk would turn it into a lawn dart fast... But will we be able to recieve
damage in very harsh conditions? Like structural damage or aileron or elevator damage trim etc? Any gear damage or more tire wear
and tear for hitting them gravel or dirt strips?

Sorry I have so many questions and I am quite sure this stuff is not easy... So I am not asking nothing for miracles just curious and
sharing questions and ideas...

I am very excited about this program... I hope it prospers greatly and is a great program...

Is there such things as loosing hydraulic pressure, oil pressure, engine overheating,

Just Curious and I am in the ready to position to leap for a grab of this program...

Would there be any way or will there be anything incorporated in this program to have your company be an airlines and also incorporate
medvac flights or cargo..

Sorry if I keep asking the same questions just brainstorming...

Thanks Again,

15 hours of Dual Time C-172

Re: Weather Effects Etc.. - Robjos - 07-04-2005

A large amount of the features you mentioned are included, for example the ability to use GA aircraft in your airline (as far as I know you
can use any aircraft, even an F-16 if you want Smile but you need to set up the cabin configuration manually or use a generic one if the plane is
not a FS default one or one from a well known aircraft addon (eg PSS Concorde). There are also many features related to engine failures,
oil pressure drop and hydraulics. I think there are also gear failures implemented but whether they are differnt depending on the type of
runway most often used I am not sure.

No doubt Dan (the main developer) or one of the beta testers will be able to answer your questions very soon, they often post in the

This looks the most promising single addon (of its type) ever created for FS2004, it should be really fantastic


Post Edited ( 04-07-05 17:34 )

Re: Weather Effects Etc.. - DanSteph - 07-04-2005

I was busy programming Smile

Quote:1. What about General Aviation. Such As Turbo Props etc? Can we use them as an airline?

No problem at all, prop turboprop or jet are supported from 3 seat to 1000 seat aircraft...
failures as engine failure or oil temp increase work the same on the three type.

Quote:3. I fly intentionally in some pretty rough thunderstorms to see the effects etc...

FsP include a lot of feature never seen in mean of failure because they required that I make my way
directly into the memory of FS to grab or modify value that are not available usually, this is why
I can make failure like gear, flaps , oil temp increase, RMP slow decrease (loss of power)

Currently FsP detect if you land under rain or snow and give you bonus for that... at this time
I didn't found already the value for turbulence and violent wind...
(I found it in fact but loose the adress in memory so I have to search more)

It's not planned *yet* if I found again this value that a violent weather fail anything in your aicraft
but you can simulate that while modifying the value of the "random" failures in the option...
If you set it to 50% for example you have 1/2 chance that something fail during a flight...

Quote:Would there be any way or will there be anything incorporated in this program to have your company be an airlines and also
medvac flights or cargo..

You gain money for cargo so you can really fly a company with only cargo aboard...
you can also fly "humanitarian" mission if you carry cargo or passengers in "dangerous area"
in this case your likely to take a ground shot (you hear ground fire sound) that will fail
parts of your aircraft (electrical, cabin pressure, oil temp, engine failure, flap failure,
gear failure etc etc)

Hope it answer ?


Re: Weather Effects Etc.. - jwhak - 07-04-2005


I am really looking forward to this.... When the product is available will we be able to purchase it as a download? Fingers
Crossed (LOL)..

Shoot Fire I would be willing to pay for the Beta Version right now... (grin)

I really hope this steps things up... This is exactly what flight sim is needing a mission statement.. So we don't get too bored and forget
about the plane circling over the OBS with the autopilot on watching TV...

Hey Dan if ya mind me asking. I am totally Ignorant to programming right now.

I am in college right now at the age of 30 ugh but I am taking Computer Tech and Networking Linux classes and I plan to go into
programming after this. Would you have any suggestions and what language are you usually working in?

Thanks Again,

By the way your response time was excellent!!! (whew)

Re: Weather Effects Etc.. - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

Quote:jwhak wrote:
I am really looking forward to this.... When the product is available will we be able to purchase it as a download? Fingers
Crossed (LOL)..

Sure, you download the freeware version, if you like it you click on "purchase" menu and on the link
you go on a page, buy an unlock key, enter it in FsP and you have the full version.

Quote:jwhak wrote:
Shoot Fire I would be willing to pay for the Beta Version right now... (grin)

Mhhh they are not so lucky, when FsP will be out I'll take great care that any update will not mess
your flight database so you keep all your flights, anyway while this require more work and attention for me
for now at each beta release I reset the database, so the poor beta tester see their flights
always reseted... that's not a life...

Quote:jwhak wrote:
I am in college right now at the age of 30 ugh but I am taking Computer Tech and Networking Linux classes and I plan to go into
programming after this. Would you have any suggestions and what language are you usually working in?

I must say that I'm more or less comfortable with about any current language, but my main programming language
are C++ and assembly for FsP. I really love C++ this language is simply amazing.


Post Edited ( 04-08-05 01:06 )