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What about the bank ? - Printable Version

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What about the bank ? - Laserpithium - 04-04-2005

Hi Dan,

A question/suggestion for FSPassengers :
How will we have money enough to buy our first aircraft ?
I mean, we can imagine that a bank will give us money at the beginning for the creation of our compagnie, and then we will have to give it
back with interests (not sure of the word in english... des intĂ©rĂȘts quoi).
Furthemore, it can use your system of compagnies' appreciation note. If your compagnie has a good note and/or earn a lot of money, the
bank will be more pleased to give you money if you need it.
What do you think about that ?
Good luck Dan,


Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 05-04-2005

Hello Laser,

About money: you can choose an amount of cash when you create a new company
from normal (you can buy something like a 737) to cheat (you can buy two 747 class aircraft)
or very difficult (you can buy only something like a king air)

After it's your job to make money to buy more.

About bank:

That was an idea that was planned during a long time but I'm affraid in a first time I'll not do it
mainly for time concern.
Anyways this is an option that is easy to add for a new release so I'll see that after the release if
many people ask about it.

I'm working hard currently on the economic&reputation flight result, very hard part while a LOT
of value are involved... with any luck I'll finish this part tonight...



Post Edited ( 04-05-05 01:59 )

Re: What about the bank ? - picto - 05-04-2005

I can give you the voice of my banker when he says "NO" to the loan i was asking to him !
He is very expressive you know.... Smile


Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 05-04-2005

Quote:picto wrote:
I can give you the voice of my banker when he says "NO" to the loan i was asking to him !

Thanks pic but I have already plenty of materials like this Wink


Re: What about the bank ? - fruitfly - 05-04-2005

Top Big Grin

Re: What about the bank ? - colincm - 06-04-2005

oh BTW Dan, you are saying in the beginning we can choose the amount of money to start with. However, most of my flying is for a VA, with all kinds
of aircrafts (A320, A330, A340, B767, B747, CRJ...etc...), so in this case, I can't fly with different aircrafts for my company isn't it? Wonder

Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 06-04-2005

Quote:colincm wrote:
oh BTW Dan, you are saying in the beginning we can choose the amount of money to start with. However, most of my flying is for a VA,
with all kinds
of aircrafts (A320, A330, A340, B767, B747, CRJ...etc...), so in this case, I can't fly with different aircrafts for my company isn't it? Wonder

The higher setting for a company is about $500Mo, enough to buy two 747 or four 737
but not enough for all your plane of course.

[Image: createcompany.jpg]

But in your case you can create a company without economic mode and you can fly with any aircraft you want
without need to buy them, you'll benefit of all the feature (failures, sound, flight report, statistic etc etc)
but of course you don't earn money and cannot manage the economic of your company....
(ticket and service price)


If you still want to manage the economic part while flying with many aircraft in no time
You will be able to create a new scenario setting for a company and you can set a hugh amount
of cash at start so you can buy a lot of aircraft see the post that speak about that:

In this post you see that you can edit a scenario and so create a company with two billion dollars
if you want.... enough to buy all your aircraft...

Hope it answer ?


Re: What about the bank ? - colincm - 07-04-2005

Thx for the reply Dan,

So if I DO NOT manage the economic part (turn economic mode off), will I have the list of passengers names, how many passengers will be on my

For example, my home airport is in Toronto CYYZ, so most of my flights will be from/to there, so I guess I will have a lot of passengers waiting for
me at the gate when I start a flight from/to that airport right?

Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 07-04-2005

If you fly with a company that don't have economicall setting ON
you'll still have the passengers list.

But unlike the economic mode were the passengers waiting at gate depend
of your reputation, ticket price and numbers of flight you made on this airport
you'll always have the full aircraft capacity.

I mean if your aircraft have 345 seat capacity you'll have 345 passengers waiting at gate
for you... (of course you can choose to board only 10 or 100 via the payload dialog)


Re: What about the bank ? - Flash87 - 08-04-2005

Hey Dan, adding on to this is there anyway you can randomize the passsengers out of economic mode?

Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

Quote:Flash87 wrote:
Hey Dan, adding on to this is there anyway you can randomize the passsengers out of economic mode?

Doing this would not be consistant, if a guy choose "non-economic" mode for a company he likely don't want to
bother with any limitations, so you would to do this "by hand" (selecting only few passengers)


Re: What about the bank ? - Flash87 - 08-04-2005

WOW! great reply time what was that like 2 minutes
Yeah I guess your right on this one.

Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 08-04-2005

Quote:Flash87 wrote:
WOW! great reply time what was that like 2 minutes

Six Wink


Post Edited ( 04-08-05 01:51 )

Re: What about the bank ? - cyrilh - 14-04-2005

Hi Dan,

just another suggestion/question.
Will there be a possibility to rent an aircraft? This way it would be possible to fly also aircrafts
I don't have enough money for. What do you think?


Re: What about the bank ? - DanSteph - 14-04-2005

I'll add the possibility to lean money and I'll stop here before the final release
else I'll never finish.

Of course once final released I'll not stop to upgrade FsP it based on feedback
but FsP as stated one beta tester is already the program in Fs world that have the most
features, it can replace a lot of others already.

full screen payload loader (no need to quit Fs)
ATc chatter
Cockpit /crew voice
carrer managment
company managment
fleet managment

and I forget a lot of stuff....
