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[new feature] Autosave of FsP flight done. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [new feature] Autosave of FsP flight done. (/showthread.php?tid=37)

[new feature] Autosave of FsP flight done. - DanSteph - 01-04-2005

During a FsP flight the situation will be saved each nn secondes when the altitude is at least 500 feet...
(you can set in the option from 60 secondes to 5mn or completely disable the autosave)

Those save will be deleted if:
-You end the flight normally (End of flight report)
-You start a new FsP flight

This to avoid cheat like "I didn't make it well I'll redo the end of flight"

So now you can stop the FsP flight in the midlle and continue it later, usefull also if Fs2004 crash
during a long flight..

If a save is available you have this in the start flight menu:

[Image: restoreflight.jpg]

This feature will not be available in the demo version (freeware)


Post Edited ( 04-01-05 08:23 )

Re: [new feature] Autosave of FsP flight done. - djsebx - 01-04-2005

This is what tests are made for ! Really useful feature ! Thanks Smile