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Will it be free - Printable Version

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Will it be free - tinman12 - 30-03-2005

Will Fspassengers be free? Does it have any announcements like the captain has requested that pasengers remain in their seats?

Re: Will it be free - DanSteph - 31-03-2005

There will be a free limited demo but it's a shareware...
(basically if your satisfied after try you buy an unlock key)

There is a lot of announcment the "remain in your seat is..." one of them
as well as the "evacuate the plane by the emergency exit.." in case of emergency
and a lot of others.... there is 202 files in the "sound folder" of fspassengers so far...

Please look at the FAQ that answer common questions:


Post Edited ( 03-31-05 01:07 )

Re: Will it be free - djsebx - 31-03-2005


Once released as shareware, you'll be able to download for free FsPassengers. You can install it on your computer, it will have the same
features as the registered (purchased) product BUT you will have to fly FROM San Francisco, to the place wherever your want.

No limit in time, no limit in features with the not registered FsPassengers.

When you purchase your personal key, then you'll be able to fly from any airport.

About passengers announcement, the cabin attendant will handle the public address Smile