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WideFS??????? - Printable Version

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WideFS??????? - Magician - 11-03-2005


I notice FsPassengers does not utilise FSUIPC.

Does this mean we MUST run it on the PC running FS9 or will it be possible to offload it to my WideFS clients?

Also, I kinda guess there is a module that FS loads (due to the inclusion of menu items) but will we also have to run FsPassengers as a
seperate program before starting FS {Click "Start" ->"All Programs" -> "FsPassengers" -> "FsPassengers.exe"}????


Re: WideFS??????? - djsebx - 11-03-2005

FsPassengers is an add-in for MSFS 2004. You load it directly from FS9 top menu bar.
Then about WideFS, I don't have it and I'm not aware enough of it to tell you more, if you could display it on a second PC or not. I don't

Post Edited ( 03-11-05 23:28 )

Re: WideFS??????? - DanSteph - 12-03-2005

Mhhh Wonder I don't know what's your purpose is so my answer
may be off...

AS you told FsP is a module mean it must be started on the "main"
pc, the one that run the simulation and get the joystick input.

If you tell me what you want to do perhaps I can give a better answer ?


Re: WideFS??????? - Magician - 12-03-2005

Thanks for your answers.

Apologies if I now sound as if I'm trying to inform the informed {or suck eggs - but that may be lost in translation Wink}.

With WideFS - Say I have 2x PC's. On PC #A I fully install FS9 and attach my game controllers. This is the PC I "fly". I also install
PeteDowsons WideFS Server module.

On PC#B I install Petes WideFS Client only. Then, when I get another program to use with FS, it gets installed on PC#B. For example,
FSCommander by Aerosoft. First I run FS on PC#A and then I start the WideClient followed by FSCommander on PC#B. Now I can see
on PC#B my aircraft position on the map and the position of all traffic. I can log the flight and play a "black box" recording of it - All on
PC#B that does not have FS9 installed.

So WideFS is reading position and flight parameters {airspeed, altitude etc} from FS running on a nother PC.

Some programs are a little more complex. For example ActiveSky. I use the same "startup" procedure as above - Start FS on PC#A, start
WideClient and ActiveSky on PC#B - then "fly" PC#A with ActiveSky awesome environment.

So WideFS is reading parameters once again, but is also writing parameters {weather data and slipstream from AI traffic} back to the PC
running FS.

So, my question is - Will I be able to use the CPU on PC#B to run FsP?

Many thanks Dan.

Re: WideFS??????? - DanSteph - 12-03-2005

mhhh I runned wide Fs years ago, ***if*** I remember good the aircraft on PC B
is in fact in slew mode and follow closely what do the aircraft on Pc A ?

So here the deal:

If the aircraft on PC B if effectively in slew mode running FsP on it will be totally Forbidden
because FsP forbid slew mode (to avoid "cheat flight")

If not there is a chance that it work BUT... if the aircraft on PC B is only a "ghost" of what do the aircraft
on PC A I see many problem that can arrive, for example with failures, FSP command directly
the engine parameter in FS memory to bypass SDK limitation, so if PC B is only a ghost it will not work
because PC A will not know that one engine was set off on PC B for example.

In brief I would say that there is really good chance that FsP work on PC A but litle chance that it work
on PC B. Anyway without a try that's only words.


Post Edited ( 03-12-05 13:25 )

Re: WideFS??????? - djsebx - 12-03-2005

Anyway, FsP has no impact on framerates ! So it's no need to make it run on another PC to save some frames i would say.

Re: WideFS??????? - Magician - 12-03-2005

Thanks Dan.
I hear what you're saying dj and I had noticed that already. I suppose my interest is just that I tend to run all the extra stuff through WideFs
to free the CPU on FS PC.

Smile How about a trial version and I'll give it a go? Smile

Seriously, any more accurate news on a release date?

Re: WideFS??????? - DanSteph - 12-03-2005

Quote:Magician wrote:
Seriously, any more accurate news on a release date?













it will be in 2005 Smile

(aaaw sorry Wink

More seriously I expect end april but it depend also from third party people that I can't control
(all voice still need to be done, for now I use shyntetic voice and somes sound that I have found on the net)

Anyway the beta will open in the incoming weeks for more peoples, I'll launch a call on the newsletter (not in forum)


Re: WideFS??????? - djsebx - 12-03-2005

A trial version will be released when the product is ready Smile Anyway, you can register for the FsPassengers newsletter and you may be
involved in beta testing, that's why DanSteph mentioned on the website.

And do you think a more precise release date would be serious ? Not sure Smile