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FSP for FS9 and FSX - Printable Version

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FSP for FS9 and FSX - Jbl - 26-09-2007

Hi all,

I would like to buy FsP for fs9 and fsx (il have both flight simulator). I have read here (http://www.fspassengers.com/?action=news) that a rebate for
ugrading would be done.

Before to buy FsP for FS9, il would like to know how is the % for the rebate (10 %, 20%, 30% ....) or waiting for FsPX

Thank in advance and sorry for my bad english.


Post Edited ( 09-26-07 12:28 )

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - runibl - 26-09-2007

I would guess, that it can't be decided until Fspassengers X is done.
Propably depends on how much work was involved.

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - Jbl - 26-09-2007

Thank runibl to answer Smile

I don't know what to do, I will wait other answers and will see after….


Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - runibl - 27-09-2007

I would guess it will take some time for the FsX version to come out. Since Dan had to basicly start from the beginning with it.

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - Jbl - 27-09-2007

Yes you're right. Thanks runibl, i'm going to purchase the FsP (fs9 version) now.


Edit : It's done by simmarket Smile I'm litte disapointed, the user registration isn't mine (my name or surname) but a simmarket code ... Is it normal ?

Post Edited ( 09-27-07 16:15 )

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - DBE - 27-09-2007

Quote:Jbl wrote:
Yes you're right. Thanks runibl, i'm going to purchase the FsP (fs9 version) now.


Edit : It's done by simmarket Smile I'm litte disapointed, the user registration isn't mine (my name or surname) but a simmarket code ... Is it normal

Great decision!

And yep: unfortunately that's the way it works when you get your code from SimMarket. But, if everything goes well, the only time you should actually
use that user id is when you "unlock" your copy.

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - runibl - 27-09-2007

Great decision, and welcome aboard.
Just remember to keep a copy of the code somewhere safe. Just in case.

Re: FSP for FS9 and FSX - Jbl - 27-09-2007

Thank dbe & runibl

And yes i have done a copy of the code

See you on the forum
