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Company Paint Scheme - Printable Version

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Company Paint Scheme - Sam Breese - 15-09-2007

I've started from scratch.

A new company, which i have named "Sky Line" and I have purchased one Spartan Executive, flying people in complete luxury from
London City to Paris.

I have plans (when I get the money) to expand the fleet like every airline does. But I want to paint my aircraft. I have a very simple idea.

I simply want my aircraft to have a white fuselage with Sky Line enscribed across it someplace.

Is there such a piece of software which would allow me to create this?

Re: Company Paint Scheme - the_nick - 15-09-2007

fsrepaint from abacus , very easy to use

Re: Company Paint Scheme - gronji2004 - 15-09-2007

Quote:the_nick wrote:
fsrepaint from abacus , very easy to use


Re: Company Paint Scheme - Sam Breese - 16-09-2007

Is there any freeware paint programs. I see many products have downlodable paint kits?

Re: Company Paint Scheme - Jambone - 16-09-2007

Photoshop + DXTBmp

For info on how to use these 2 in partnership, go here: http://www.calclassic.com/repaint.htm


Re: Company Paint Scheme - lcrane - 20-09-2007

You could also use Gimp instead of Photoshop.

Re: Company Paint Scheme - JetBlueInflight - 21-09-2007

I too have made my own airline (Latin Quarter Airlines) that flies around the Caribbean. I use Photoshop to paint the aircrafts and
DXTbmp to save them. You can download paintkits just about anywhere and the process of learning how to do it well is a bit of work. I
am still a novice, but each time I buy a new aircraft for my company, they look better and better. I would say it's worth taking the time to sit
down and learn it. It's a lot of trial and error, but it's also a lot of fun!!!

Re: Company Paint Scheme - highlander - 21-09-2007

I'm not a fan of the GIMP - I use Paint Shop Pro myself, but if I'm away from my home PC and want to do some artwork, I use Paint.NET which is free.
