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about the game - Printable Version

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about the game - adam-bowen - 21-03-2005

hay dan i am a huge fan of fs simulator and cant wait to go this upgrade so can u send me when its going to come out.

Re: about the game - DanSteph - 21-03-2005

Hello Adam,

It will be available to download on this site and
several place when it will be out.

If you want to be warned by mail about the release susbscribe to
the warning newsletter.

Happy flying


Post Edited ( 03-21-05 03:46 )

Re: about the game - adam-bowen - 21-03-2005

hay dan do u recon this will be a good addon for this game

Re: about the game - Robjos - 21-03-2005

Hmm let me see, your asking the main guy behind this program if he thinks it will be a good addon? What else could he say!
But seriously, yes it will be a fantastic addon, just check out the screenshots and read this website a bit and make up your own mind.
This is probably the best addon, in terms of originality and finding a new way to enjoy fs, ever created. It really dows add a whole new

Re: about the game - DanSteph - 21-03-2005

Ah that was the question ?

I was wondering what he was meaning. Wonder

I can make a funny reply but let stay professional Wink


Post Edited ( 03-21-05 17:34 )

Re: about the game - adam-bowen - 23-03-2005

sorry thats a stupid question

Re: about the game - Flying Tigress - 24-03-2005

Quote:adam-bowen wrote:
hay dan do u recon this will be a good addon for this game

Well, my role in this adventure is to make sure that all the text in the program and on the web site is written in standard English - no role
in creating the program, my only contribution being to point out an error in when certain aircraft lights are used.

So let me answer your question, if I may...

It won't be a "good" addon for Flight Simulator - it will be a "Great" addon. Having used the Beta for a while now, I can tell you it changes
the flying experience for the better in ways you won't even imagine until you try it. The immersion that gives you the sense you are actually
flying for an airline is really quite remarkable. And I'm not even talking about the 'big stuff' - haven't heard screaming passengers, haven't
even had an emergency. But this is so well designed, and Dan has included so much interesting stuff that it's taken Flight Sim to an
entirely new level.

That's my unbiased opinion, anyway.

Re: about the game - fruitfly - 28-03-2005

Why do the women have it all!?!?!?!?!?

Re: about the game - pagir - 06-04-2005

I'm a new user here...

I can't wait to experiment FSpassengers!!!

I hope it will be released soon!!!

Re: about the game - DanSteph - 06-04-2005

Quote:pagir wrote:
I'm a new user here...

Welcome Here pagir Wink


Re: about the game - Steve - 12-04-2005

Quote:adam-bowen wrote:
sorry thats a stupid question

Don't worry, there's no stupid questions...only stupid answers. Smile

Re: about the game - adam-bowen - 13-04-2005

kool man thanks dude

Re: about the game - Shandon - 14-04-2005

I must say this will be the best thing for Fs9 since Fs9.....Can't wait! Thanks Dan.