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Emergency Landing Video! - Printable Version

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Emergency Landing Video! - Seth Pierce - 02-05-2007

Hey...I had now taken off from Logan Intl in Boston enroute Kennedy Intl in New York....and just after takeoff landing gear was stuck so I stated an
emergency landing and went around to land back at boston so I decided to use fraps and record it ...pretty nice vid check it out at :


And also check out my YouTube Channel which has other cool videos on Fligt Simulator and FSPassengers:


Re: Emergency Landing Video! - Canada_Boy - 03-05-2007

Nice Video Top And Welcome to the forums!

Checked out your Channel.... I noticed you put Track and Field as a Hobby, I am on my highschool Track and Field team.
Just wondering, what events do you run/ throw ?

Post Edited ( 05-03-07 05:17 )

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - Joeflyer - 03-05-2007

Yes, very good vidApplause Got some nice frames over Boston,huh? You must have a very good system there.

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - Valoran - 04-05-2007

Thunked 'er down pretty good there! Anxious to land? Wink I shouldn't talk, I boinked a routine landing this evening, stalled on short final and
just plopped in the grass about 1/2 mile short. 3 KIA 2 WIA had to ressurect my pilot Worry

I'm stupid

Post Edited ( 05-04-07 07:37 )

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - Seth Pierce - 05-05-2007

Thanks for all the comments..yea it was kinda rough landing was my first good one though without autopilot on final...felt pretty good about it. Smile

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - ragingfred - 28-05-2007

you forgot to turn of the autobrakes but nice vid

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - ameval - 28-09-2007

check this video out ya all
the ending s funny Smile

Re: Emergency Landing Video! - xhado13 - 28-09-2007


Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone here has seen that one atleast once Smile