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A380 pressure problem - Printable Version

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A380 pressure problem - apapele - 25-12-2006

Hi, Im new in the forum...

Well, I have an A380 by Robert Versluys, aerodinamics and payload are great, but it have one huge problem, the plane is not pressurized.

How can i fix this? Somewere in the Aircraft.cfg?

This is a problem using the a/c for FSpassengers because while climbing through +13,000ft they all died and is not funny killing 555
virtual passengers Smile


Re: A380 pressure problem - Anastasios - 25-12-2006

I think you should go to the FAQ section of this forum.....


Re: A380 pressure problem - pegase - 25-12-2006

I knew it, I KNEW IT !!!

Such a monster is so huge that it is impossible to to pressurize such a volume !!! Wonder ..
I told that to the engineers of Airbus but they did not listen to me Hunappy

...Or well. Just for Christmas, you can get the solution directly from there Smile

BTW: Versluys A380 is a great model, much better than any payware A380 so far. Just needs a merge with the PSS A340 panel and you
get a jewel

Re: A380 pressure problem - Ceemosp - 25-12-2006

Is the panel swap hassle free, Pierre ?