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(Real x50) Is this really REAL? - Printable Version

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(Real x50) Is this really REAL? - shnookumlooks - 16-09-2006

why does the profit from a flight get multiplied by 50, this is not realistic at all??

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - runibl - 16-09-2006

I hope this helps.

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - HB-100 - 16-09-2006

Might be wrong but also the failure rate with 5% default looks to be a factor increased tro the real. If you think about that the failures to
repair can cost you a lot you might run out of money perttey fast with the *1 insetad *50 setting.

I see it as this, vere y flight I do represents 50 flight. And this way also the failure rate fits with 5% because then only every 1000. flight has
a problem instead every 20.

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - Dutch64 - 16-09-2006

If you would try ti implement a realistic failure rate it would be something like 0.0000000000001 % or so. So, keep in mind it's a sim and plenty
failures might not be real compared to real world but makes it fun

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - Ceemosp - 17-09-2006

Quote:Dutch64 wrote:
If you would try ti implement a realistic failure rate it would be something like 0.0000000000001 % or so. So, keep in mind it's a sim and
failures might not be real compared to real world but makes it fun
Rant Yeah...sure is fun flying a twin mostly as a single engine (like I do atm) lol

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - Igor (EY0106) - 18-09-2006

Theres nothing better then flying for about 2 hours all of a sudden Fuel leak you get put down to 5% and must do an emergency descent on the way down
one engine cuts out. You mayday then perform a great landing. Then the points come in oh YEAH!

Re: (Real x50) Is this really REAL? - HB-100 - 18-09-2006

Feul leak in 2 hours? That can happen that late in flight? Uuuuuwwww that would be bad.
In 2 hours I am in the middle of the atlantic. Feul leak than means I lose a 56million dollar plane ..and some FSpassengers. Sunk