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Drew a spoilsport ?? - Printable Version

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Drew a spoilsport ?? - Ceemosp - 09-09-2006

Who thinks drew is a spoilsport by closing the "Key doesn't work" thread down lol

Greetz Carsten

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Joshuah A. Wetzel - 09-09-2006

Lots of laughs in that thread!

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Drew - 09-09-2006

Smile thread was pointless really thou, was fun to start with but after several pages of laughing at the starters request, it served no purpose
any more lol

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Joshuah A. Wetzel - 09-09-2006

Quote:Drew wrote:
thread was pointless really thou, was fun to start with but after several pages of laughing at the starters request, it served no purpose
any more

You got a good point there, Drew!

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Dutch64 - 09-09-2006

In that case you should close 99% of the threads hereSmile Well, let's just start another 'key-topic' Big Grin

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Airliner - 09-09-2006

Quote:Dutch64 wrote:
In that case you should close 99% of the threads hereSmile

Second that! Smile

But, who wants the task of compiling all this?

Abstain. lol

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Drew - 09-09-2006

Just 99%? Big Grin could you link me to the other 1% lol

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - the_nick - 09-09-2006

I was also thinking about saying this to him but I didn't had the balls to post it. good job Ceemosp Smile lol

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Drew - 09-09-2006

PMSL @ nick lollol

Not as if im going to pull you through your monitor and virtually hit you lol

Ok ok, if you want to have a thread about nothing, i will bow to popular demand lol

[whisper] Its only cause Dutch told me off for closing it as it involved beer Beer [/whisper]

Post Edited ( 09-09-06 13:40 )

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - the_nick - 09-09-2006

and now you start here with drinkin Smile lol

Post Edited ( 09-09-06 13:57 )

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Dutch64 - 09-09-2006

Yeah! Drunk

Re: Drew a spoilsport ?? - Ryanamur - 09-09-2006

Thread without a purpose anymore... closed Smile Smile Smile Smile

and now reopened! Smile

Post Edited ( 09-12-06 16:38 )