FsPassengers Forums
IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland (/showthread.php?tid=229)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland - DanSteph - 24-06-2005

I had to move the site to a swiss host, during the process some messages of the forum
may have been lost, sorry for that. It's possible also if you registered a new account yesterday
that your account was lost, if this is the case please register again on the forum.

The site is now hosted by Infomaniak Network SA in Geneva switzerland

you have a new forum on this site "Fs2004"
and two other forums are ready but will not show until release of FSP.

so there will be 4 forums here:
FsPassengers General
FsPassengers Support
FsPassengers Customizing
General Fs2004

FSP is now in the final run, documentation and administrative part, moving the site
was a part of the whole process... FsP release is still planned end of june at worse
first week of July.



Post Edited ( 06-24-05 13:26 )

:) - Chris B. - 24-06-2005

- "FSP is now in the final run, documentation and administrative part, moving the site
was a part of the whole process... FsP release is still planned end of june at worse
first week of July."

Well Hoorah! Much anticipation is in the air! I'm sure that a lot of other simmers feel "ruined" waiting for this prospectively wonderful
program to come out. I seize to fly in FS2004 untill it's out because I figure "what's the use?" to just fly around at free will with little realism
as compared to FSpassengers? I fear that FSpassengers will own me and I will forever be lost to the sim god.
Oh well.. this waiting gives me time to get to my other projects I like so much like oil painting.

Salutes to Dan, the beta testers, and all those who are patiently waiting!

Chris in Iowa

Web address for Infomaniak Network SA? - Chris B. - 24-06-2005

I'm sorry but I'm having trouble finding the new site. Could someone post a link to it?


Re: IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland - DanSteph - 24-06-2005

Quote:Chris B. wrote:
I'm sorry but I'm having trouble finding the new site. Could someone post a link to it?

hem !... you just posted on the new site.... Wink


Re: IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland - DBE - 24-06-2005

Quote:DanSteph wrote:
...I had to move the site to a swiss host...

Hehe, and I was wondering why this site was literally flying all of a sudden! Applause

Been following the project for a while now, but never quite got as far as having something senseless to post (apart from the obvious "This is going to
be the best thing since sliced bread" post).

As everybody else, I am waiting with trepidation for a release: good luck!

Greets from LSZH

Re: IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!! the site has moved to switzerland - DanSteph - 24-06-2005

Cool it work Smile

greets from LSGG (well not far)
