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FA interact with passengers eventually? - Printable Version

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FA interact with passengers eventually? - clodhoppers18 - 11-08-2006

I vaguely remember someone saying that you could see a flight attendant in the cabin of FSX, I wonder if you could make that FA actually serve
passengers. I know this would be a stretch, but just an idea for the future. There is also a plane somewhere out there that has a FA serving people
and animated and all. I wonder if FSP could eventual interface with the add on ( I think it is actually a plane) to make her interact with the
passengers when you tell her to. This is all for the furture ideas.

Re: FA interact with passengers eventually? - xhado13 - 11-08-2006

Its been asked before, id love for it to happen! But if im not mistaken...they say it would murder your FPS

Re: FA interact with passengers eventually? - clodhoppers18 - 11-08-2006

Well I wouldnt be suprised. Maybe something for FS 11

I guess I shouldt be thinking that far ahead lol.

Thats probably 2.5 years ahead.

Re: FA interact with passengers eventually? - Airliner - 11-08-2006

Consider this: if you want a FA to serve the passengers, then you also need to visually simulate the passengers. So now, instead of the
plane model and the FA model, you have between 2 and 500 individual pax models on board! I'd say that would kill your frame rates! Of
course, depending on the level of detail. You could end up with something that looks like the people in Airport Tycoon (the first one).
Blockheads like in the "Money For Nothing" video. lol

Also, the config file would grow out of control as you would need stations for each pax on the plane. I think the first step would be to get
an animated co-pilot in there, then we can worry about the pax as that would simply be multiplication. Wonder Yeah, multiplication. Smile