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Reinstall FS2004 - Printable Version

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Reinstall FS2004 - benjinator1 - 27-07-2006

If I reinstall fs2004 how do I get fspassengers back in the game? And I have the full version but I dont have the unlock code.
Because some one gave me their code to unlock the full version.

Re: Reinstall FS2004 - walterp - 27-07-2006

Quote:Because some one gave me their code to unlock the full version.

So basically you are a thieving scumbag asking for help.
Go and crawl back under your rock.

Re: Reinstall FS2004 - Drew - 27-07-2006

Some people amaze me Turning

Post Edited ( 07-27-06 21:19 )

Re: Reinstall FS2004 - ivo - 27-07-2006

Quote:benjinator1 wrote:

.... Because some one gave me their code to unlock the full version...



Perhaps you are not aware that this is stealing? Or perhaps you are [edit: no need for personal insults]

And to top it off you are asking for support? Rolleyes

Post Edited ( 07-27-06 21:18 )