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A silly question from a new simulation flyer - Printable Version

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A silly question from a new simulation flyer - joanjoan - 10-07-2006

Hello, greetings from Barcelona and first of all sorry about my poor level of english.
As poor as my level of english is my knowledge of FS2004 and FsPassengers. I'm just beggining (2 days ago) and I'm absolutely amazed. I didn't know
anything about how to fly and it's amazing how easy seem to be in basic terms. I'm doing the lessons included, but sometimes I need to do it as a game
so I go for FsPassengers. Probably, by now, I will kill all my passage and myself but I like to try it. My problem is that I go to the indicated gate
to take passengers but I don't know how to put them in the plane!!! Yes, silly question but two days ago I didn't know anything and it's so difficult
to me to understand everything in my english programs and lessons. Hope to be helped. Thanks a lot!!!

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - ivo - 10-07-2006

press Alt and go to the FsPassengers tab and then go to Start Flight.

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - detpilot - 10-07-2006

Make sure your parking brake is set before you start the FSpassengers flight, and make sure your door is open (Shift+E). Welcome aboard!

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - joanjoan - 10-07-2006

Thanks a lot Ivo and detpilot. Good help but I think not enough for me... I've tryed starting flight from the gate with parking brakes on and the door
opened and it says: aircraft loaded 0 passengers aboard. It seems that they should be waiting in another gate. I try to request another gate, i go for
it and no one seems to go into my plane. 277 passengers should do it! Why can't I do it?

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - Joeflyer - 10-07-2006

It's possible that you didn't adjust the sliders to add passengers to your aircraft when you started the flight from the FsP "start flight" tab.
After you have moved the sliders to add passengers, adjusted for fuel, set your destination, set your flight ID,etc, you can load your flight
immediately(the door will be closed automatically) or select load real time(you will wait on passengers to get loaded) and close the door
yourself upon load completion. Personally I like to select "load immediately" to save time.

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - ivo - 10-07-2006

No passengers load because you didn't load them. To load them just move the sliders like Joeflyer said.

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - joanjoan - 10-07-2006

ufffff.... thanks... I feel really stupid. Now it works!

Is there any option to live the normal speed of everything but the distance (and time you waste in large flights of 8 hours of real time)?

I haven't arrives to this lesson, but can I activate the Automatic Pilot without being correcting things during flight? If it's possible, is this the
solution for accelerating real time?

Ivo: even I feel so stupid I'm sure I don't feel as bad as Zizou yesterday after this bullfight atack...

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - ivo - 10-07-2006

hehe, I'm sure Zizou feel pretty damn stupid right now lol

You can use time accel by pressing 'R' + '+' or '-'. That will increase that simulation rate. Normally its 1X which means one second in real life
equals one second in the sim. But if you press 'r +' you can increase it to 2X, 4X, and so one.

I'm not exactly what your question about the Autopilot is. Since you are new, I'm betting you fly the default planes. And yes you can engage the A/P
for the whole flight. Engage after takeoff and disengage before landing but you can even sort of cheat and use it to land that plane. The default
planes don't have autoland but the more complex payware one do. You can see some of them here: http://www.flight1.com , http://www.leveldsim.com , and
http://www.precisionmanuals.com , and there are some other developers. But I suggest you stick to the default planes first until you know how to fly them
well. Keep taking Machado's lessons and you WILL get better. Oh, and don't try to hard to learn the default jets since they are VERY VERY INACURATE.
If you want to do things realistically, then learn to fly the smaller props and get a nice realistic payware. If you just like it as a 'game', and you
don't want to spend 1 hour or more for flight planning and preflights which are necessary in the realistic/complex planes, then enjoy the default FS

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - Kpeters - 10-07-2006

Yeah default aircraft are really not that good, I find my self overspeeding in some of the for ridiculous reasons, the dynamics are baaaad. By the way
if you need some help in spanish just tell me Smile Suerte!

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - hmdomingos - 12-08-2006

Quote:joanjoan wrote:
ufffff.... thanks... I feel really stupid. Now it works!

Is there any option to live the normal speed of everything but the distance (and time you waste in large flights of 8 hours of real time)?

I haven't arrives to this lesson, but can I activate the Automatic Pilot without being correcting things during flight? If it's possible, is this the
solution for accelerating real time?

Ivo: even I feel so stupid I'm sure I don't feel as bad as Zizou yesterday after this bullfight atack...
Be aware that for Fs Passengers
purposes, you'll be rewarded for the long flights IF you don't accelerate them. If you accelerate your flight you won't be winning a LOT of
points you would win without acceleration (IF the flight IS PERFECT, off course. Not Perfect? No Bonus!) Smile

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - Airliner - 12-08-2006

Quote:I find my self overspeeding in some

Slightly off topic but, I overspeeded (overspeeded? Wonder ), in the Ultralight in the FSX demo! lol

Post Edited ( 08-12-06 22:07 )

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - bergm - 12-08-2006

Quote:Slightly off topic but, I overspeeded (overspeeded? Wonder ), in the Ultralight in the FSX demo! lol

Me too, several times. I'm stupid

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - the_nick - 12-08-2006

Quote:bergm wrote:
Quote:Slightly off topic but, I overspeeded (overspeeded? Wonder ), in the Ultralight in the FSX demo! lol

Me too, several times. I'm stupid
I overspeeded and stressed the ultralight when turning Smile

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - ivo - 12-08-2006


Isn't it oversped? Instead of overspeeded?

Re: A silly question from a new simulation flyer - Mud - 12-08-2006

Quote:ivo wrote:

Isn't it oversped? Instead of overspeeded?

