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trouble activating full version - Printable Version

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trouble activating full version - PrisonSgt - 09-06-2006

hope someone can help me. i am unable to activate the full version of FSPassengers as my codes have to many characters and there is
no "activate FSPassengers" in the drop down menu of the tool bar. Help a newbie

Re: trouble activating full version - WBHoenig - 09-06-2006

You are pressing 'alt', right?

Re: trouble activating full version - Drew - 09-06-2006

if you have installed the demo, in the menu, second from bottom (i think) should say purchase/unlock, or something like that.

click that then enter info

Re: trouble activating full version - PrisonSgt - 10-06-2006

[quote]Drew wrote:
if you have installed the demo, in the menu, second from bottom (i think) should say purchase/unlock, or something like that.

click that then enter info

hi Drew, i did not install the demo i purchased the cd from an online company, am i suppose to pay another 35 dollars or so when i pd 50
for the cd? if so i'll do it but it does not seem right.

Re: trouble activating full version - WBHoenig - 10-06-2006

Oh, no, unless they sold it to you illegally, in which case, please report it to Dan asap Wink

Is there some sort of product key listed on the case?

BTW, welcome to FsP!

Re: trouble activating full version - PrisonSgt - 10-06-2006

[quote]WBHoenig wrote:
Oh, no, unless they sold it to you illegally, in which case, please report it to Dan asap Wink

Is there some sort of product key listed on the case?

BTW, welcome to FsP!

I purchased it from PCAvaitors. I believe they are respectable. I have ordered other items from them in the past. Yes there are codes in
the cd holder box. Now guess what? I actually unlocked the full version. Thank-you.

Re: trouble activating full version - Drew - 10-06-2006

Quote:PrisonSgt wrote:

hi Drew, i did not install the demo i purchased the cd from an online company, am i suppose to pay another 35 dollars or so when i pd 50
for the cd? if so i'll do it but it does not seem right.

no, you install the demo via the cd, and then unlock it using the code provided on the cd box Smile

Post Edited ( 06-10-06 06:31 )