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Compatibility with FDC? - Printable Version

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Compatibility with FDC? - Pracines - 16-03-2005


I first wish to thank you for improving realism in FS9 with the FS passengers idea.

Has any testing been done with Aerosoft Flight Deck Companion ver

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - djsebx - 16-03-2005


No problems met, as you can turn off the cabin annoucements in FsP as you can do the same in FDC. Even if you have mapped custom
shortkeys in FDC, they won't interfer with FsP as you'll be able to map your own keys to fit your needs in FsP.

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - Pracines - 16-03-2005

Thank you for such a quick reply!

I look forward to FsP, and I recently discovered a product in development called Airliner Pilot that Just Flight is about to put on the market.
By chance, are there any testers on the FsP team that are testing both of these products together with sucess?


Re: Compatibility with FDC? - djsebx - 16-03-2005

No, we don't sorry.
At reading their forum, they are looking in making it compatible with add-on aircrafts. The other product you
mention will assign you
flights, first, and will be available in May 2005 or later while FsPassengers will let you free to fly from/to where
you want, and will be
released earlier.

Actually FsPassengers is already compatible with AT LEAST the following ones :

Captain Sim - Legendary 707
Captain Sim - Legendary 727
Dreamfleet - 727
Flight1 - ATR 72-500
IGFly - Tu-154M
KOCH Media - Altitude Concorde
Lago - Maddog 80
Level-D - 767
Phoenix Simulation Software - Concorde 2004
PMDG - 737NG all series
SSW - Airbus A310
VMAX - 747-200 Ready For Pushback 2nd Generation

FsPassengers is not only a pilot career manager, you'll buy aircrafts, maintain them, you may encounter failures
according to the aircraft
status/random failures/your flights' performance and pilot skills. You'll have to serve and care about your
passengers of course, and you'll
benefit from a realistic sound ambience with boarding musics, inflight sounds as cabin announcements, flight
questions/comments to captain and more. Not to forget is also all the economical part of the airline company, with
tickets price, company policy (low cost ? first class services ?) etc... which I would call actually a complete
product. Smile

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - Pracines - 17-03-2005

Thank you for the info.

I have most of the Aircraft mentioned above and I look forward to FsP!


Re: Compatibility with FDC? - DanSteph - 17-03-2005

In fact FsP is compatible with every aircraft from 3 to 1000 seat prop, jet or turboprop
the failure work equally on all those aircraft.

This said FSP is more intended for commercial aircraft with at least a crew aboard
otherwise you don't have all the hostess sounds (you can force them ON anyway
but it would not look good on a piper cheerokee for example)

But FSP isn't only a crew voice player or a flight recorder... I included all I thought was
missing into Fs2004.. you have even somes sound effect that enhance the default sound
of Fs. (you can turn them off if you want of course)

Also there is somes more suprising feature that no one ever heard about, as an example
one will automatically change your point of view in 3d Virtual Cockpit so you are placed
on the right seat below a certain pilot rank and this for every aircraft (that include a VC of course)
This option is turned off by default.

I'm used to left place in VC and piloting from right place is a bit harder but it simulate
what young pilots experience.


Re: Compatibility with FDC? - Frank - 22-08-2005

Quote:djsebx wrote:
Actually FsPassengers is already compatible with AT LEAST the following ones :
Lago - Maddog 80

I know that this problem was already discussed, but i have great problems with LAGO Maddog + FSP.
Are you using a particular payload editor? It was made compatible with the new patch?
Please, let me know how to use the LAGO Maddog and FSP

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - djsebx - 23-08-2005

Just accept to modify the aircraft.cfg when prompted and reload the aircraft. I do have maddog lago 80 and it works with FSPassengers
which comes with a specific payload model for MD-82 that was done for Lago's model in fact.
FSP had to be tuned during initial development to be compatible with this aircraft model, so we know it works.

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

That's one of the great things about FSP! It has a wide range of compatibility! I have yet to encounter any issues with other programs!

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - djsebx - 23-08-2005

Yes even with other advanced and recently released models like 747-400 PMDG, it works, and I even haven't had to edit the
more_options.cfg to make the FSP payload screen fake. I'm using my specific payload model in fsp payload, and all is going
smooth. Top

Re: Compatibility with FDC? - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Glad everything's working for you djsebx!