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Those darn penalties - Printable Version

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Those darn penalties - Joeflyer - 04-06-2006

I've had a couple of penalties already for having either the strobe lights or landing lights on while on the ramp area. Although I made sure
BOTH were off prior to loading the FSP flight, I still got the penalties on 2 separate occassions. Hmm, wonder how that happens? At any
rate, both were such small penaties that I can't really complain. Just wondering if anyone else has had a problem with this.

Wooohoo! Made it to First Officer anyway!Applause

Re: Those darn penalties - jetBlue220 - 04-06-2006

So take the penalties off.. FSP is fully customizable, and you could pretty much have whatever penalties on/off that you want.

Re: Those darn penalties - Serviceman - 04-06-2006

Don't set the parking brake when the strobes are on, use the "toe brakes". If you avoid using the parking brake for run-up etc.. you will not
receive a penalty.

Re: Those darn penalties - Joeflyer - 04-06-2006

Oh, believe me, I turned off those penalties for lights. It's annoying anywayWall Plus, I never set the parking brake for engine run-ups or
anything else after I have initiated taxi procedures.

Re: Those darn penalties - Serviceman - 07-06-2006

I assume you turn them off immediately after departing the runway.

The Real Air (and the default I think) 172 have separate Strobe and Beacon switch in the VC but a combined switch in the 2D panel. I
would always get a penalty if I used the 2D panels switch, but would not if I used the switches in the VC. Maybe this is related to your

Also check the external view of the plane to see which lights actually come on.

Re: Those darn penalties - Joeflyer - 07-06-2006

I would turn off strobes and landing lights prior to loading FSP altogether and then turn them on when entering the runway environment
and then turning them off as I leave the runway. At any rate, last night I disabled the lights penalty, did the "save", loaded passengers,
went through a one hour flight, and STILL got a light penalty. So, I went back to settings and saw that the light penalty was enabled! Again,
I went back to settings and disabled, did another save. I exited FSP, reloaded it and checked to see if lights penalty was still disabled. It
was disabled this time but I didn't go on another flight. I'm just wondering if I have a bug in the system, or if FSP automatically turns on
this penalty if company reputation reaches a certain % level. My company is at 98%. Does it even matter?? In actuality, I can live with
having a light penalty occassionally, but not on every freak'n flightWorry

Re: Those darn penalties - Serviceman - 09-06-2006

I wonder if it's with the model you fly. Maybe the beacon and strobe are transposed in the model. When you turn on the beacon it's
signaling to FSP that the strobe is on etc.

Re: Those darn penalties - Joeflyer - 09-06-2006

What I do now is create a flight with another aircraft, shut everything down on that aircraft and then load the aircraft I want to fly(B757) in
FSP. That way, when I load FSP, all systems will be shut down and I can start from scratch...turning on beacon before starting
engines,etc. Now I'm definitely not getting those darn light penalties.

Re: Those darn penalties - Serviceman - 09-06-2006

Flight Simulator is definately a little flakey in this regard. I guess you finaly trapped it! Smile