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Airport currently IFR - Printable Version

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Airport currently IFR - MikeMoore - 30-05-2006

When flying VFR from Helsinki to St Petersburg. I wasn't allowed to land at St Petersburg, because it was currently IFR.
I did however specify a st Petersburg as desitnation airport in FsP. I normally had to land elsewhere and get the penalty for not landing
and the destination airport. Now I picked a runway with ILS and landed normally, but how can I devert to another airport without getting the

Re: Airport currently IFR - andy14 - 30-05-2006

Go to FSP menu and Cancel destination Smile

Re: Airport currently IFR - poden - 30-05-2006

You can open an IFR flight plan while airborne as well, and still land IFR at your originally planned airport. You'll have to create a flight plan "on
the fly" though.

Re: Airport currently IFR - captain_crunch - 30-05-2006

Another cheat, open your radio stack and press the active / standby switch button for the COM 1 radio to un-tune ATC, then just carry on
with your approach as normal but in glorious silence! FSP doesn't mind at all Wink

Post Edited ( 05-30-06 20:56 )

Re: Airport currently IFR - the_nick - 30-05-2006

Quote:captain_crunch wrote:
Another cheat, open your radio stack and press the active / standby switch button for the COM 1 radio to un-tune ATC, then just carry on
with your approach as normal but in glorious silence! FSP doesn't mind at all Wink
I also do it sometimes when they say go-around but I don't have the time for it Smile

Post Edited ( 05-30-06 21:01 )

Re: Airport currently IFR - Joeflyer - 31-05-2006

I have had several instances when the destination tower cleared me to land after an ILS approach, and just as I was at the threshold,
tower advised me to go around because of an aircraft taxiing across the runway at the departure end or at mid field. I always land and
then get a ground hand off. In other words, I ignore the go around instructions, turn off at the first taxiway available and then get ATC
instruction to contact ground. Funny how that works Wonder

Re: Airport currently IFR - Kpeters - 31-05-2006

Hmmm Im curious, how does FSP handle go around- missed aproaches?