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Confirmed: Probable Date Bug In FSP - Printable Version

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Confirmed: Probable Date Bug In FSP - poden - 28-05-2006

I've taken a few minutes to check what I've already suspected for some time now; there DOES APPEAR to be a bug in FSP concerning the date setting.
Please don't respond by assuming I've made some sort of mistake here, and I couldn't possibly be right; please just check it and see for yourself.

1) Use the setting "Use FS Time and Date" in FSP.

2) Initiate a flight in FSP from any airport in the WESTERN Hemisphere (for example, from within the United States). You don't need to actually take
off. Just board the passengers and do ctl-shift-I to bring up the inflight report. Note that the date for the flight on the inflight report MATCHES
the date set in FS.

3) Terminate the flight.

4) Initiate a flight in FSP from any airport in the EASTERN Hemisphere (for example from central Europe, Asia, Africa) You don't need to actually take
off. Just board the passengers as on the other flight, and do ctl-shift-I to bring up the inflight report. Note that the date on the inflight report
DOES NOT MATCH the date set in FS.

5) Terminate or whatever.

Why does the date logging for the option "Use FS Time and Date" work correctly in the Western Hemisphere, but not in the Eastern Hemisphere?

Re: Confirmed: Probable Date Bug In FSP - Drew - 28-05-2006

1stly, i dont use the the fs flight time, but changed it to it, and i get

13th april and 28th may